Autoestima y relaciones amorosas
Sometimes people ask me which qualities should one seek in a potential partner. I thought that this question deserved to be answered in more detail so here I present a LONG answer. I will put self-esteem in the first place, since self-esteem influences all...
¿Qué es la autoestima?
What is self-esteem, really? So often, it's presented in unhealthy and immature ways. Based on that, it's easy to equate self-esteem with arrogance, rudeness, and self-centeredness. Let's explore what it means when it's truly healthy. What I want to talk about is far...
Autoestima y violencia
In the beginning, I will quote a text of an author I won't name (because I'm about to criticize them a bit): "People who love themselves, don't try to hurt others" says Oprah Winfrey, the talk-show queen. She must have never heard of Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tse...
Autoestima y culpa
Have you done mistakes in your past you still regret and cannot forgive yourself? Did you harm other people or your own chances? Do you feel chronic low-level guilt without a good reason? Do you sometimes feel you don't deserve to be happy? Many people sabotage their...
Cómo superar el rechazo social y la incomodidad
The instinct to belong Human beings have an instinctive need to be accepted by and feel connected to others. We are singularly unequipped to survive by ourselves, and working together as tribes was essential for our very survival as a species. Through most of human...
Why Do I Act Childish When I Feel Insecure?
from Q&A section Question: If I feel insecure or nervous, I start behaving like a child with my partner. It annoys him, but when I see that he is angry, I fall even more into that childish behavior. I remember that I used to do this before at work too. I don?t...
¿Soy aburrido? ¿Y qué hacer al respecto?
photo credit: Camila Quintero Franco Question: My ex told me I was boring. It hurts, of course. I?m not sure what to think or do about it. I?m not even sure if I really want to change. But, of course, I would like people to find me interesting. I don?t like the...
How To Find Balance Between Caring What Others Think And Selfishness?
Question: Where is the middle ground between ?stop caring about what others think? & ?stop being so selfish?? photo by Leio McLaren Answer: Both caring about what other people think and selfishness are parts of our biological makeup, as well as our upbringing....
How can I stop feeling that no one will ever love me?
Question: I?m lonely and feel unattractive. I have difficulties connecting with people. How can I stop feeling that no one will ever love me? Answer: Did you feel loved as a child? Our expectations of the world are based on our experiences with our...
How To Overcome Breakup In 10 Steps
Question: I recently went through an unexpected breakup, and I?m finding it very hard to move on. I can?t stop thinking about my ex, and it feels like nothing makes sense without them. I know I need to heal, but I don?t even know where to start. How to...
How To Be Happy Single
Many people are not emotionally healthy and mature. It stands to reason that many, if not most, relationships fail (although there are still quite a few healthy and happy relationships around). It might take a long time to learn partnership skills and to find...
The Best Comebacks For Rude People
My core topic is emotional maturity, so it's expected that I'd always advise polite and de-escalating communication?and so I do. However, that kind of communication only works with fundamentally well-meaning people, which is not everybody. Some people love to put...
Autoestima y relaciones amorosas
Sometimes people ask me which qualities should one seek in a potential partner. I thought that this question deserved to be answered in more detail so here I present a LONG answer. I will put self-esteem in the first place, since self-esteem influences all...
Sufrimiento en el amor
Unconscious foundations of falling in love Perhaps you are familiar with the idea that we are often romantically attracted to people who remind us of our parents or circumstances from our childhood. Or perhaps this is a completely new idea and difficult to accept?...
Jealousy and possessiveness Jealousy is usually the most childish emotion of all. While experiences of fear, anger, sadness, shame and similar can be appropriate to external reality (although in most cases it's a mixture of realistic and childish, exaggerated...
Patrones en las relaciones amorosas
La mente subconsciente y el amor ¿Disfruta amando a su pareja? Aunque parezca paradójico, para muchas personas el amor es más una fuente de dolor que de felicidad. No hay ninguna otra relación adulta en la que la profundidad y la fuerza de nuestras necesidades, huellas y creencias de...
¿El amor dura 3 años?
Cómo fracasan las relaciones Una vez leí un artículo en una revista que decía medio en broma que "todas las relaciones amorosas duran 3 años". La idea era que la intimidad, la pasión y el enamoramiento en una relación media duran unos 3 años, tras los cuales...
Cómo mantener viva la pasión
The ecstasy we feel when our love is returned is greatly based on the feeling that we are fully accepted, approved of, and free to be who we are. This is what, as children, we needed most from our parents, but rarely received, whether due to parents' lack of...
Prepararse para el matrimonio o la convivencia
If you look around a bit, it seems that in most "stable" relationships partners communicate more through grumbling and sarcasm, than with warmth and respect. These same partners, if somebody years ago suggested that they sit down and make a serious agreement about how...
Miedo a estar solo
It surprises me sometimes, how many people say that fear of being alone makes them stay in unpleasant, unhealthy, even violent relationships. Personally, I like being alone, even if I like a good relationship based on trust far more. Fear of being alone is actually...
Problemas sexuales
I have written before about psychological background of disease, and sexual problems are often obvious examples of psychosomatic symptoms. If you have done your medical tests and the results didn't show any physical issues that would cause a problem, it is time to...
¿Te sientes tomada por concedida? Abuso y amor incondicional
A common pattern in unhealthy relationships is when (at least) one of the partners takes the other for granted, perhaps being aggressive, manipulative or dismissive ? but when the other partner decides to leave, the first suddenly starts acting like an...
¿Está bien mantenerse en contacto con un ex?
Sometimes people ask me if it's OK for them or their partner to stay in touch with an ex after starting a new relationship. If you have been reading my posts and articles for a while, you will know that I avoid categorical judgments about "right" and "wrong", except...
Señales de alarma en las relaciones de pareja
Incompatibility is fairly common in relationships, which means there are plenty of potential red flags of incompatibility depending of one's values and personal traits. However, sometimes you might not simply be incompatible with a love interest, but you might have...
Matrimonio: ¿Amor o deber?
Most people enter marriage full of ideals of mutual love and respect "until death do us part" and happy, smart and cooperative children. Life, however, is not quite so tidy and organized, so it often faces us with challenges, as if saying, "Really? Well, let's see...
Por qué las mujeres poco atractivas tienen matrimonios más felices
Many women are worried about their looks. I don?t really have to explain much about it. Sufficient to quote someone from endless online comment sections: ?I?ve never seen a woman who would be truly beautiful without make up.? Personally, I think it?s ridiculous. Many...
Estilos y trastornos de apego y cómo curarlos
Adult attachment theory includes patterns of emotional attraction (related article: "Patterns in Love Relationships"), as well as immature emotions or age regression ("Emotional Maturity"), joining them into a systematic overview of several most common...
Enamorarse de "chicos malos" (y chicas)
La biología detrás del amor y la atracción Un número significativo de hombres se animan a creer que las mujeres quieren hombres dominantes que las dominen y les muestren su lugar. Es cierto que las mujeres se sienten algo más atraídas biológicamente por hombres seguros de sí mismos, incluso dominantes....
Miedo a la intimidad
All children (well, all healthy children) crave their parents' attention. "Mom, look at me!", "Dad, let's play!" If such and other expressions of desire for connection are refused in a cold or even aggressive manner, or if emotional connection is...
Valores vs. Rasgos personales
Most people choose intimate partners, friends and sometimes business associates based on their personal traits, rather than their values. We notice, for example, that a certain person is intelligent, funny, friendly, confident and similar. However, all those traits do...
¿Qué sucede cuando una pareja amorosa es un sustituto de los padres?
Trying to change a partner When I work with couples (and individuals, too), in their bitter criticisms of their partners I can often guess what a person wanted to say to their parents, but for whatever reasons couldn't or didn't dare. (Sometimes I can literally...
Asuntos: Quién, por qué y cómo seguir adelante
The paradox of (in)security Deep closeness and understanding in a good lasting relationship is one of the best experiences in life. On the other side, the idea that we can "own" someone's emotions, or that we can control life, is unrealistic and absurd. Yet the...
¿Qué cree tu subconsciente sobre el amor?
If you ask yourself what did you learn from your parents about love - from each of them separately, as well as from their relationship - you could come to interesting insights. But our conscious answers are just the top of the iceberg, while most of our emotional...
Tratando de recuperar un amor perdido
Feelings from childhood Being left by someone is hard on both our ego and our inner child. Suddenly losing a source of human connection and attention?whether we appreciated it or took it for granted?often triggers childhood memories of loss and abandonment, sometimes...
Más de 20 lecciones esenciales sobre cómo enamorarse
About half of my clients come to work with me because of problems in love relationships, which means l have heard endless variations of love stories and love games. Most of these variations include people being carried away by childish emotions, ignoring the warning...
10 reglas clave para la comunicación en una relación
Every relationship has its problems and it is not realistic to think we will always have an understanding, agreement and an idyllic relationship with a partner. A relatively common problem is when one person expects that they shouldn't have to express their needs...
My Partner?s Daughter is Jealous of Our Relationship (Emotional Incest)
Question: I am 52 years old, divorced, and recently started a new relationship with a divorced man who has three adult daughters. Since he introduced me to his daughters, the youngest of them has been feeling very insecure. She has started coming over more often,...
Are My Criteria Too High?
Question: I live in a patriarchal, traditional environment. I am 30 years old and have had three short-term relationships so far, none lasting longer than 3 months. It?s clear to me that I fear intimacy, having been hurt and abandoned as a child, with my parents being...
Mi suegra se entromete en mi matrimonio (Incesto emocional)
Question: Recently, I got married, but very quickly problems began with my mother-in-law. She doesn?t allow us privacy?she tries to spend every afternoon with us. She lies to my husband about me and makes up things I haven?t done. My husband even decided to cut short...
How To Start a Difficult Conversation If Afraid Of Conflict?
Photo by: Chris Sabor Question: I feel taken for granted in my relationship. I tried to express my concerns, but nothing changed and it nearly caused an argument. I?m avoiding trying to talk about it again because I don?t want another fight. How can I...
Aburrimiento y pérdida de pasión en una relación
Question: I've been in a relationship with my girlfriend for just over a year now, and I feel the loss of passion and infatuation I felt at the beginning. I think, on one hand, this is a normal process. However, I find myself increasingly interested in other...
6 Tips for Long-Distance Relationship Success
Technology is making long-distance relationships easier to start and maintain. On the other hand, relationships can also be negatively influenced by increased expectations of ambition and mobility, i.e. by the likelihood that either of the partners might find a...
Successful Relationships With Asperger?s Syndrome
From Q&A section: Is it possible for people with Asperger?s syndrome to have successful relationships? What are some tips for maintaining a healthy relationship for individuals with Asperger?s syndrome, as well as their partners? Answer: Every person and...
Is it OK to end a relationship if I’m no longer happy?
From Q&A section: Is it justifiable to end a relationship solely because I'm no longer happy, even if my partner has not done anything wrong? Answer: There are plenty of people around who parted on friendly terms and without blame for their exes. Maybe they...
¿Cómo puedo perdonar a mi novio que me hizo daño en el pasado?
From Q&A section Answer: Anger/resentment usually has 3 main causes (not mutually exclusive): you feel your well-being is objectively threatened, and anger is a source of energy to protect yourself. If that person is still your boyfriend and not an ex, it might be...
¿Cómo puedes saber si tu pareja ha superado de verdad su relación anterior?
photo credit: Negar Nikkhah from Q&A section Question: How can you tell if your partner is truly over their past relationship or if they are hiding their feelings to spare your feelings? Answer: they show genuine enthusiasm about being with you (not just verbally,...
My partner doesn?t want to change. Is it a red flag?
Question: My partner doesn't want to change the things that bother me in their behavior. Is it a red flag? Does it mean I should end the relationship? Answer: It depends on what you want them to change. If you?d like them to change something small and superficial that...
Banderas verdes en las citas: ¿Cómo reconocer una relación sana?
Question: What are some green flags in dating and relationships? How can I know if my new relationship will be healthy? Answer: You might want to read the article Red Flags in Relationships and make sure everything is the other way around. Jokes aside, the essential...
Cómo aconsejar a su pareja sin discutir
photo by: frame harirak This article was inspired by a common question: ?Is it appropriate to give your partner advice about what you?d like them to change?? Let?s explore how to give advice without making your partner upset: Communicating Boundaries and...
Fighting about feminism
Question: I'm in a new, long-distance relationship (a few months). My boyfriend and I were recently fighting about feminism. Since then, he seems more distant. I'm afraid of losing him - he is a great guy. Can you give me some advice? Answer: Plenty of details are...
How To Overcome Breakup In 10 Steps
Question: I recently went through an unexpected breakup, and I?m finding it very hard to move on. I can?t stop thinking about my ex, and it feels like nothing makes sense without them. I know I need to heal, but I don?t even know where to start. How to...
Establecer los límites
Ideals and traditions Many writers suggest ideal behaviors which people should strive to develop. Many people want to live up to spiritual ideals such as helping others, kindness, generosity and sharing. They often forget, however, that most people...
Comunicación, manipulación y necesidad de energía
De vez en cuando me he fijado en libros y talleres que se anuncian con promesas grandilocuentes como: "Toma el control en todas las comunicaciones", "Consigue que la gente haga lo que tú quieres que haga", "Desarrolla la atracción magnética", etc. Todo lo que hacemos influye en...
Comunicación no verbal y sutil
Cuanto más trabajamos en fijarnos en los detalles de nuestras comunicaciones con los demás, más empezamos a darnos cuenta de lo mucho que solemos pasar por alto. Hay tantos mensajes que la persona con la que hablamos nos envía a través de pequeñísimas señales no verbales, el tono de su voz o su...
¿Cómo reconocer el chantaje emocional?
Manipulation by definition presumes covert attempt to control others, usually involving twisting facts and using words in ways that might be difficult to distinguish from honest communication. That's why people are often confused whether they might...
Paternidad, Control y Culpa
The need to control Some of the tasks of responsible parents are to teach, direct, support and, in some situations, control their children. But if a person gets stuck in this role and applies this attitude to adults around them, they will create stress and...
5 razones por las que odio la manipulación
Quite often, when discussing or reading discussions about manipulative marketing and other ways in which individuals cheat other people out of their hard-earned money (or time, or energy, or anything), I see people admiring skillful manipulators. Many will describe...
¿Criticas a los demás?
Criticism can have different causes, but one often overlooked is fear. Is it difficult for you to set boundaries? Do you have trouble saying ?No?, or do you avoid conflicts? If you doubt your ability to defend yourself, you might expect people to know in advance where...
Estilos de comunicación: Dirigir e informar
Among many other details when it comes to relationships and communication, it?s useful to be aware of the difference between two basic ways to express a wish or a request: directing and informing. Directing style expresses a wish, a request or a demand directly: ?Shut...
Cómo defenderse a sí mismo
Proteger los propios límites personales y encontrar el equilibrio con otras personas, ya sean familiares o extraños, y a menudo de forma sutil, son partes cotidianas de la vida humana. Poner a prueba y sobrepasar los límites de los demás es normal en la relación de un hijo con sus padres, y...
Cómo superar el rechazo social y la incomodidad
The instinct to belong Human beings have an instinctive need to be accepted by and feel connected to others. We are singularly unequipped to survive by ourselves, and working together as tribes was essential for our very survival as a species. Through most of human...
10 reglas clave para la comunicación en una relación
Every relationship has its problems and it is not realistic to think we will always have an understanding, agreement and an idyllic relationship with a partner. A relatively common problem is when one person expects that they shouldn't have to express their needs...
Cómo resistir a la manipulación
Why do we fall for manipulation It can be difficult to resist manipulation if we believe our strong emotions are realistic. Most people seem to believe that the more intense their emotion, the more realistic it is. But the reality is often quite the opposite (except...
?You are ?!? Unveiling the Dark Sides of Praise
Author: Christian Rook Art: Philippe Ramette Imagine a shopfloor where the teamleader only praises the operators who consistently deliver good work while overlooking the effort and improvement of those who are struggling. This neglect of genuine recognition can...
“Why Don’t People Like Me?” Overcome Loneliness
Introduction The Internet and modern technologies are often blamed for the modern "epidemic of loneliness". Although they certainly contribute, the trend of separation and loneliness existed even before them, wherever people had the material conditions for a separate...
Why Do I Act Childish When I Feel Insecure?
from Q&A section Question: If I feel insecure or nervous, I start behaving like a child with my partner. It annoys him, but when I see that he is angry, I fall even more into that childish behavior. I remember that I used to do this before at work too. I don?t...
How To Start a Difficult Conversation If Afraid Of Conflict?
Photo by: Chris Sabor Question: I feel taken for granted in my relationship. I tried to express my concerns, but nothing changed and it nearly caused an argument. I?m avoiding trying to talk about it again because I don?t want another fight. How can I...
¿Cómo comunicarse con su cónyuge cuando está enfadado con usted?
Question: How to communicate with my wife when she's angry with me? No matter what I say, it seems to make things worse. Answer: Most importantly: first validate and understand. Only after that, explain your point of view. It?s a normal human need (even if a bit...
¿Soy aburrido? ¿Y qué hacer al respecto?
photo credit: Camila Quintero Franco Question: My ex told me I was boring. It hurts, of course. I?m not sure what to think or do about it. I?m not even sure if I really want to change. But, of course, I would like people to find me interesting. I don?t like the...
Cómo aconsejar a su pareja sin discutir
photo by: frame harirak This article was inspired by a common question: ?Is it appropriate to give your partner advice about what you?d like them to change?? Let?s explore how to give advice without making your partner upset: Communicating Boundaries and...
Cómo utilizar la validación mientras se es criticado: Una habilidad de comunicación esencial
How does validation work? It is an universal human need for our emotions to be understood, accepted and empathized with ? that?s called validation. The old saying ?pain shared is half felt? did not become popular by chance. We don?t even necessarily need to be...
Fighting about feminism
Question: I'm in a new, long-distance relationship (a few months). My boyfriend and I were recently fighting about feminism. Since then, he seems more distant. I'm afraid of losing him - he is a great guy. Can you give me some advice? Answer: Plenty of details are...
¿Cómo dejar de ser un obseso del control?
Question: How to stop being a control freak? I want to stop trying to control everything and micromanage others, but I don't know where to start. I feel anxious when things aren't exactly as I think they should be. It stresses me out and causes me to...
The Best Comebacks For Rude People
My core topic is emotional maturity, so it's expected that I'd always advise polite and de-escalating communication?and so I do. However, that kind of communication only works with fundamentally well-meaning people, which is not everybody. Some people love to put...
Displaced Aggression
Displaced aggression is a term that describes venting aggression on people or objects that are not the source of frustration but are safer targets. In large cities, for instance, it?s not uncommon to encounter strangers who aggressively criticize you for a minor,...
Intimidad con sus propios sentimientos
Todos los métodos de desarrollo personal que requieren la cooperación y la implicación emocional de los clientes, presuponen que éstos tendrán una conciencia adecuada de sus emociones para que el trabajo tenga éxito. No es habitual encontrar libros o talleres que incluyan...
Observar los sentimientos
En la raíz de muchos comportamientos inmaduros está la necesidad de evitar los sentimientos desagradables. Practicar la observación de nuestros sentimientos es la base de la superación personal, además de ser una de las formas más naturales, sencillas y...
Madurez emocional
No mucha gente piensa en el término "madurez emocional" y, sin embargo, es tan importante como la madurez intelectual o física. Una vez leí que muchas personas dejan de madurar emocionalmente al final de la adolescencia, mientras que otros autores afirman que la madurez emocional...
Relaciones familiares saludables
Although most people understand, or at least feel intuitively what is appropriate and what isn't in family relationships, in most families there are still quite a lot of unhealthy patterns and a huge load of imposed guilt. Those patterns hinder many people from acting...
Cómo relajarse y reducir el estrés
El estrés prolongado puede tener varias causas principales: Estar sobrecargado de obligaciones y tareas; Hábitos tóxicos; Forma habitual de pensar y de funcionar emocionalmente; Situación externa difícil. Cuando una persona está sometida a estrés durante mucho tiempo, la tensión se convierte...
Jealousy and possessiveness Jealousy is usually the most childish emotion of all. While experiences of fear, anger, sadness, shame and similar can be appropriate to external reality (although in most cases it's a mixture of realistic and childish, exaggerated...
Autoestima y violencia
In the beginning, I will quote a text of an author I won't name (because I'm about to criticize them a bit): "People who love themselves, don't try to hurt others" says Oprah Winfrey, the talk-show queen. She must have never heard of Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tse...
Patrones en las relaciones amorosas
La mente subconsciente y el amor ¿Disfruta amando a su pareja? Aunque parezca paradójico, para muchas personas el amor es más una fuente de dolor que de felicidad. No hay ninguna otra relación adulta en la que la profundidad y la fuerza de nuestras necesidades, huellas y creencias de...
Miedo a estar solo
It surprises me sometimes, how many people say that fear of being alone makes them stay in unpleasant, unhealthy, even violent relationships. Personally, I like being alone, even if I like a good relationship based on trust far more. Fear of being alone is actually...
Psicología de la enfermedad
"Official" medicine acknowledges more and more often that psychological processes influence certain diseases, as well as recovery from a disease. Stress is most often mentioned as the main cause of chronic psychosomatic...
Prueba de madurez emocional
Most people like tests! Test your emotional maturity with these 35 statements. Answer each statement with YES, NO or MAYBE / SOMETIMES. Answer spontaneously, without analysing too much. Write down or remember your answers and check your points in the next page....
Prueba de madurez emocional (parte 2)
Points with comments 1. My country is hopeless. I wish to emigrate!YES: +2, NO: 0, MAYBE/SOMETIMES: +1Explanation: "Yes" indicates focusing on the negative, generalizing, black and white thinking, playing the victim - especially if you live in Europe,...
11 Tips To Change Toxic Habits
How many times did you make such a decision: starting tomorrow, I will quit smoking, biting my nails, overeating, drinking coffee... or: I will start exercising, watch less television, be more organized... Typically, such decisions appear easy to put into...
¿Eres demasiado sensible?
Emotional "hypersensitivity" is a relative category, just like various types of sensory sensitivities. Can somebody tell you that you are "overly sensitive" to chili, for example? People are differently sensitive to sounds, smells, tastes - and emotions as...
Tratamiento del masoquismo
Emotional masochism Many people are bonded to suffering in some way. As children, they might have learned that they would be rewarded or comforted if they suffer, or they might have observed suffering people receiving special care and...
El regalo del miedo (y algunos recuerdos)
?Intuition is always right in at least two important ways:1. It is always in response to something.2. It always has your best interest at heart.(...) Our interpretation of intuition is not always right.?Gavin de Becker, The Gift of Fear This time I want to...
Dieta, estrés y ansiedad
A danger in any therapy practice is if a therapist only focuses on one aspect of the problem ? usually the one (s)he is specialized in. While most emotional issues have at least some psychological components that can be addressed through therapy, it?s important to...
Preguntas y respuestas sobre la madurez emocional
Hace poco tuve una interesante discusión filosófica sobre qué son realmente el "comportamiento maduro" y las "emociones maduras", y según qué criterios (y de quién) se definen. Sobre algunos de los criterios ya escribí en el artículo "Emotional...
Lógica emocional
Una cita de un cliente con el que estuve trabajando hace poco: "No me valoro, así que si una chica se enamora de mí, automáticamente la respeto menos". Dejemos que se asimile por un momento. Prácticamente toda una novela está contenida en esta frase (además de algunas admirables...
Cómo mantener su calor interior
El calor humano es algo frágil. Incluso los niños que muestran o piden calor emocional suelen ser rechazados, ignorados o incluso ridiculizados. La escuela, la universidad y la empresa suelen ser entornos brutales en los que las personas que luchan por el poder suelen ser las más ruidosas y tener...
Convierta el dolor emocional en pasión e inspiración
El dolor físico es una señal de que algo va mal. Nuestra reacción automática es reducirlo lo antes posible. Es lógico que reaccionemos de la misma manera ante el dolor emocional. Además, estamos condicionados por nuestras comunidades y cultura para evitar las emociones desagradables, esconder...
Cuando la esperanza es una emoción "negativa
Some time ago, I was working with a woman in USA who has a private business in which she is very engaged, creative and responsible, and potentially very successful. Still, things were going downhill, primarily because of her relationships with her employees -...
¿Es su agotamiento el resultado de una culpa inconsciente?
Cómo los ayudantes se convierten en ayudantes Desde trabajadores sociales a enfermeros médicos, nadie dedica su carrera a ayudar a la gente sin un motivo. Vale, hay charlatanes que explotan a la gente, como en todas partes; hay quien sólo espera un trabajo seguro o un estatus, pero...
¿Cómo perdonar de verdad y ser perdonado?
¿Por qué a veces es tan difícil perdonar? Muchos libros de la Nueva Era y de autoayuda dicen que, para alcanzar la paz interior, tenemos que perdonar a las personas que nos han hecho daño. Un mensaje habitual sobre cómo hacerlo es algo así como: ¡decide perdonar! O pueden darte instrucciones...
Cómo superar el miedo a cometer errores
Los errores son la mejor forma de aprender Muchos padres inculcan a sus hijos el miedo a equivocarse. Sin embargo, los errores no sólo son normales, sino necesarios. No sólo son necesarios, sino que incluso pueden ser deseables. ¿Por qué deseables? Porque son la mejor manera y la más rápida...
Cuando la gente teme a sus propias emociones
Tomar conciencia de nuestras emociones y conectar con ellas puede aportarnos muchos y maravillosos beneficios: paz interior, apoyo y amistad con nosotros mismos, riqueza de vida interior, autoestima, resistencia al estrés, creatividad, comprensión de nosotros mismos y de los demás, calma y adultez...
¿Qué es la regresión de la edad?
Generally about the concept of age regression After all these years of writing about and working with emotions from childhood, it may finally be time to clarify some more the term I use in virtually every other article. ? Generally, the term "age regression" is used...
Sentirse no lo suficientemente bien: Cómo reconocerlo y sanarlo en sus raíces
Signos de complejo de inferioridad Sentirse no lo suficientemente bueno es uno de los sentimientos más fundamentales y, con diferencia, más comunes que la mayoría de la gente arrastra desde su infancia. Muchas personas no son conscientes de que lo llevan dentro, porque este sentimiento puede manifestarse muy sutilmente y es...
Ataques de pánico, fobia y ansiedad: cómo afrontarlos
This article contains some excerpts from the workbook "Turn Your Fear Into Courage". Fear is one of the first and the most common experiences of a baby. Our emotional patterns are stronger, more influential and more difficult to resolve if they are...
La forma más fácil de disfrutar de la vida
Photo by Vika Strawberrika on Unsplash Most of us are conditioned in more ways than one to feel less satisfaction than we could. Evolution has largely shaped us to focus on looking for and noticing danger, even when we're doing well. Not only that, but as soon as we...
“Why Don’t People Like Me?” Overcome Loneliness
Introduction The Internet and modern technologies are often blamed for the modern "epidemic of loneliness". Although they certainly contribute, the trend of separation and loneliness existed even before them, wherever people had the material conditions for a separate...
¿Cómo tomar mejores decisiones?
Do you often have problems with making decisions? If you try making up your mind based on conscious information and temporary emotions, your decision making might be limited and confusing (even if we ignore the impact of childhood emotions ? which we shouldn't). I...
¿Síndrome límite u odio a uno mismo?
If you don't love and appreciate yourself, you may not be aware of it enough. Perhaps you are used to constant internal self-criticism and perceive it as normal, or perhaps you live in a kind of emotional emptiness and detachment from feelings, functioning mainly...
Borderline Syndrome: Inability To Suppress Emotions From Childhood?
Quick disclaimer: I'm neither a psychiatrist nor a neurologist, but I am a psychologist and the more I read about borderline personality disorder (BPD) the more I feel the need to write my thoughts down in some coherent order. Don't take them as conclusions, but as an...
How To Find Balance Between Caring What Others Think And Selfishness?
Question: Where is the middle ground between ?stop caring about what others think? & ?stop being so selfish?? photo by Leio McLaren Answer: Both caring about what other people think and selfishness are parts of our biological makeup, as well as our upbringing....
How can I stop feeling that no one will ever love me?
Question: I?m lonely and feel unattractive. I have difficulties connecting with people. How can I stop feeling that no one will ever love me? Answer: Did you feel loved as a child? Our expectations of the world are based on our experiences with our...
How To Be Happy Single
Many people are not emotionally healthy and mature. It stands to reason that many, if not most, relationships fail (although there are still quite a few healthy and happy relationships around). It might take a long time to learn partnership skills and to find...
¿Magia negra o programación infantil?
In a public talk I gave some years ago, a man from the audience asked if I believed in black magic. He explained that, no matter what he did, things just didn?t work out in his life, so he suspected some external malevolent influence at work. He wasn?t...
The Secret Reasons Behind Self-Sabotage (And How To Break Free)
Many people are not fully aware of how often they engage in self-sabotage. Consider: have you ever nearly completed an important project, only to suddenly lose the energy and drive to finish it? Have you ever pushed away a promising relationship (of any...
La fisura básica en una personalidad
In this article I will describe a process that seems to be present to some extent in many families. If you do not recognise yourself in it at all, you probably had very wise parents. In that case, this article can help you to better understand other people?s...
Relaciones familiares saludables
Although most people understand, or at least feel intuitively what is appropriate and what isn't in family relationships, in most families there are still quite a lot of unhealthy patterns and a huge load of imposed guilt. Those patterns hinder many people from acting...
Un tema de sexo
Do I have your attention? ? A society which oppresses women digs its own hole, since women are the ones who primarily raise its children. An unhappy woman with no self-esteem can't teach her children to be happy and loving. Then the society as a...
Los niños y el dinero: fijar límites
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash Children who have not yet become familiar with the way money works (but also those who have) have endless requests and wishes. Just as they wish to see, touch and experience everything they see in their surroundings, objects...
Los niños necesitan desafíos
What stimulates resourcefulness? In our work, we often notice that people from problematic, chaotic families quite often develop important life resources very early in life: for example intelligence (in order to understand confusing situations and to find a way...
¿Estás lista para tener un hijo?
In pre-history, bearing children was essential for humanity to survive. Nowadays, it appears that survival of humanity (and many other species) depends of how well can we keep our biological impulses in line. That includes urges for power, hoarding, social status,...
Paternidad, Control y Culpa
The need to control Some of the tasks of responsible parents are to teach, direct, support and, in some situations, control their children. But if a person gets stuck in this role and applies this attitude to adults around them, they will create stress and...
Terapia con clientes de familias saludables
While more than 90% of people?s emotional problems seem to originate in childhood (or are at least enhanced by early family), from time to time it?s an interesting experience to work with people who come from healthy, caring and quite mature families. (Some people who...
Cómo enseñar a los niños a usar su intuición
What is intuition? For clarity, when I talk about intuition I don't mean some esoteric sixth sense, or being carried away by random mental images or temporary emotions. My definition of intuition is a subtle feeling of knowledge which is the result of subconscious...
Incesto emocional
Mientras que muchas personas critican la falta de amor de sus padres, algunos padres dan a sus hijos aparentemente demasiado amor - pero inmaduro y necesitado en lugar de amor paternal maduro. Coaching Sistémico Integrativo reconoce el patrón de incesto emocional y sus consecuencias,...
Cómo enseñar a los niños valores morales sin molestarlos demasiado
Most of us want an ethical and happy society around us, so we want our children to be kind and constructive members of the society, too. On the other hand, it seems many parents expect their kids to develop morals spontaneously, without investing too much time into...
Muerte de un familiar
In this bittersweet life, not only must we all face our own mortality, but sooner or later, we also experience the death of a family member or someone else we love. Whether the death is unexpected or anticipated, it is always a profound shock. Despite any logical...
?You are ?!? Unveiling the Dark Sides of Praise
Author: Christian Rook Art: Philippe Ramette Imagine a shopfloor where the teamleader only praises the operators who consistently deliver good work while overlooking the effort and improvement of those who are struggling. This neglect of genuine recognition can...
My Partner?s Daughter is Jealous of Our Relationship (Emotional Incest)
Question: I am 52 years old, divorced, and recently started a new relationship with a divorced man who has three adult daughters. Since he introduced me to his daughters, the youngest of them has been feeling very insecure. She has started coming over more often,...
No me gusta la novia de mi hijo, ¿qué puedo hacer?
Question: I don?t like my son?s girlfriend, what can I do? Answer: You haven?t described the situation in detail, but we assume two basic scenarios: 1) either your son has gotten into a relationship with a truly destructive and unhealthy person, or 2) you might be...
Can Traditional Gender Roles Work?
By traditional gender roles, many people presume that the man works outside the home to earn money, while the woman takes on the roles of mother and housewife. (Throughout most of human history, this wasn't actually the norm, as women also had to work to ensure...
¿Y si no me gusta ser padre?
Question: My child is 9 months old, and I'm realizing (perhaps too late) that I don't like being a parent. No part of taking care of my daughter appeals to me. I try to play with her, but if I don't get a response, I give up. I feel like I'm not cut out...
15 consejos para disciplinar a un niño sin pegarle ni gritarle
Misconceptions about discipline Based on online discussions on parenting, a significant number of people still seem to believe that to discipline a child without hitting and yelling means not to discipline them at all. It appears that they think "no...
Cómo ser su propia autoridad
Este es el primer artículo que escribí para mi primer sitio web, allá por 2005, y sigue siendo uno de mis favoritos. A finales de mi adolescencia y principios de los veinte, pasé unos años explorando idealistamente métodos y comunidades de la Nueva Era. Conocí a algunas personas muy agradables, inteligentes y responsables...
Madurez emocional
No mucha gente piensa en el término "madurez emocional" y, sin embargo, es tan importante como la madurez intelectual o física. Una vez leí que muchas personas dejan de madurar emocionalmente al final de la adolescencia, mientras que otros autores afirman que la madurez emocional...
Salto cuántico en la conciencia
A quote attributed to Einstein says that we cannot resolve a problem at the same level of thinking we used when creating it. This is especially true regarding emotional problems and life situations. Often we find ourselves within a disappointing circle of...
Cómo lograr un cambio duradero
Lack of patience Some people just lack confidence that they can change. They feel that their problems are either too difficult or too deep, or they are disappointed with the approaches they already tried. Even more often, they are inclined to lose motivation if a...
Cómo mantenerse motivado para trabajar en la mejora de sí mismo
Insufficient intensity and continuity of personal development work are common reasons why many people feel that their efforts do not produce results. At the first glance, this might look like a simple problem and that the solution is just some more will power (or the...
Pasado y Prejuicio
Our brains live in the past Many people become grumpier and grumpier as they age. Perhaps you notice that you are more judgmental and critical than you used to be? Perhaps you feel that people were nicer and more polite when you were younger, that the sun shone...
11 Tips To Change Toxic Habits
How many times did you make such a decision: starting tomorrow, I will quit smoking, biting my nails, overeating, drinking coffee... or: I will start exercising, watch less television, be more organized... Typically, such decisions appear easy to put into...
Pensamientos errados sobre la espiritualidad
From time to time, I meet people who proudly proclaim that they don?t want to be around anyone who is not ?spiritual enough?. Recently that got me thinking: but what does it mean? For some people, it might mean following a certain religion, or any religion. For...
¿Criticas a los demás?
Criticism can have different causes, but one often overlooked is fear. Is it difficult for you to set boundaries? Do you have trouble saying ?No?, or do you avoid conflicts? If you doubt your ability to defend yourself, you might expect people to know in advance where...
Cuestiones internas y soluciones externas
Even when we are well aware that our strong emotions might be awakened memories from childhood, we might still find it very difficult to focus inwards to resolve those emotions. The urge to blame people around us and seek to change or control them can be overpowering....
Estilos y trastornos de apego y cómo curarlos
Adult attachment theory includes patterns of emotional attraction (related article: "Patterns in Love Relationships"), as well as immature emotions or age regression ("Emotional Maturity"), joining them into a systematic overview of several most common...
50 maneras de mantener sus resoluciones de año nuevo
This will be an elephant-sized post, but bear with me - I hope to give you plenty of useful ideas to keep your New Year resolutions by the end of it. At the start of every year, millions if not billions of people make lists of things they want to change so that their...
¿Estás dispuesto a enfrentarte al dolor?
Avoiding pain means avoiding experience Did you ever keep quiet out of fear rather than standing up for yourself? Do you avoid trying something new in front of others out of fear to look foolish? Do you even avoid expressing love to your family because you fear...
En busca de aceptación
Did you ever feel fully seen and accepted - welcomed - just as you are, here and now? Perhaps you'd agree that it's a feeling that rivals falling in love in some ways. Yet, not only few people in this world really have a chance to experience this, but few people even...
Convierta el dolor emocional en pasión e inspiración
El dolor físico es una señal de que algo va mal. Nuestra reacción automática es reducirlo lo antes posible. Es lógico que reaccionemos de la misma manera ante el dolor emocional. Además, estamos condicionados por nuestras comunidades y cultura para evitar las emociones desagradables, esconder...
Cómo su familia impulsa su negocio
... even when you are not aware of it Some time back, I was working with a small business owner who employed 7-8 people. On the outside, she had everything she needed to succeed: she was driven, innovative, genuinely cared about her customers, and offered services...
Why Do I Act Childish When I Feel Insecure?
from Q&A section Question: If I feel insecure or nervous, I start behaving like a child with my partner. It annoys him, but when I see that he is angry, I fall even more into that childish behavior. I remember that I used to do this before at work too. I don?t...
Cómo liberarse del vínculo traumático
Pregunta: Hace casi un año salí de una relación abusiva. Sin embargo, todavía siento una profunda conexión con mi ex. Es difícil dejar de pensar en ellos y desear que cambien. He leído que se llama vínculo traumático. Pero ¿por qué persiste durante...
¿Cómo dejar de ser un obseso del control?
Question: How to stop being a control freak? I want to stop trying to control everything and micromanage others, but I don't know where to start. I feel anxious when things aren't exactly as I think they should be. It stresses me out and causes me to...
How To Be Happy Single
Many people are not emotionally healthy and mature. It stands to reason that many, if not most, relationships fail (although there are still quite a few healthy and happy relationships around). It might take a long time to learn partnership skills and to find...
¿Magia negra o programación infantil?
In a public talk I gave some years ago, a man from the audience asked if I believed in black magic. He explained that, no matter what he did, things just didn?t work out in his life, so he suspected some external malevolent influence at work. He wasn?t...
The Secret Reasons Behind Self-Sabotage (And How To Break Free)
Many people are not fully aware of how often they engage in self-sabotage. Consider: have you ever nearly completed an important project, only to suddenly lose the energy and drive to finish it? Have you ever pushed away a promising relationship (of any...
Intimidad con sus propios sentimientos
Todos los métodos de desarrollo personal que requieren la cooperación y la implicación emocional de los clientes, presuponen que éstos tendrán una conciencia adecuada de sus emociones para que el trabajo tenga éxito. No es habitual encontrar libros o talleres que incluyan...
Observar los sentimientos
En la raíz de muchos comportamientos inmaduros está la necesidad de evitar los sentimientos desagradables. Practicar la observación de nuestros sentimientos es la base de la superación personal, además de ser una de las formas más naturales, sencillas y...
Cómo lograr un cambio duradero
Lack of patience Some people just lack confidence that they can change. They feel that their problems are either too difficult or too deep, or they are disappointed with the approaches they already tried. Even more often, they are inclined to lose motivation if a...
¿Qué es la autoestima?
What is self-esteem, really? So often, it's presented in unhealthy and immature ways. Based on that, it's easy to equate self-esteem with arrogance, rudeness, and self-centeredness. Let's explore what it means when it's truly healthy. What I want to talk about is far...
Su verdadero ser
Los niños y el mirroring Los seres humanos somos capaces de emociones maravillosas, profundas y sofisticadas, de amor y alegría inspiradores y apasionados. Sin embargo, a menudo resulta difícil permanecer en contacto con estas emociones durante largos periodos de tiempo. Los niños pequeños experimentan reflejos...
50 maneras de mantener sus resoluciones de año nuevo
This will be an elephant-sized post, but bear with me - I hope to give you plenty of useful ideas to keep your New Year resolutions by the end of it. At the start of every year, millions if not billions of people make lists of things they want to change so that their...
¿Estás dispuesto a enfrentarte al dolor?
Avoiding pain means avoiding experience Did you ever keep quiet out of fear rather than standing up for yourself? Do you avoid trying something new in front of others out of fear to look foolish? Do you even avoid expressing love to your family because you fear...
Cómo mantener su calor interior
El calor humano es algo frágil. Incluso los niños que muestran o piden calor emocional suelen ser rechazados, ignorados o incluso ridiculizados. La escuela, la universidad y la empresa suelen ser entornos brutales en los que las personas que luchan por el poder suelen ser las más ruidosas y tener...
En busca de aceptación
Did you ever feel fully seen and accepted - welcomed - just as you are, here and now? Perhaps you'd agree that it's a feeling that rivals falling in love in some ways. Yet, not only few people in this world really have a chance to experience this, but few people even...
Convierta el dolor emocional en pasión e inspiración
El dolor físico es una señal de que algo va mal. Nuestra reacción automática es reducirlo lo antes posible. Es lógico que reaccionemos de la misma manera ante el dolor emocional. Además, estamos condicionados por nuestras comunidades y cultura para evitar las emociones desagradables, esconder...
Cómo ser resistente en tiempos de incertidumbre: 7 expectativas y 8 estrategias
My nature is cautiously optimistic. Like many people, I used to believe that our society was mostly stable and that much of the worst violence was a thing of the past. I imagine many people felt the same and saw no need to learn how to be resilient. Even when...
Cómo ser su propia autoridad
Este es el primer artículo que escribí para mi primer sitio web, allá por 2005, y sigue siendo uno de mis favoritos. A finales de mi adolescencia y principios de los veinte, pasé unos años explorando idealistamente métodos y comunidades de la Nueva Era. Conocí a algunas personas muy agradables, inteligentes y responsables...
Comunicación, manipulación y necesidad de energía
De vez en cuando me he fijado en libros y talleres que se anuncian con promesas grandilocuentes como: "Toma el control en todas las comunicaciones", "Consigue que la gente haga lo que tú quieres que haga", "Desarrolla la atracción magnética", etc. Todo lo que hacemos influye en...
Su verdadero ser
Los niños y el mirroring Los seres humanos somos capaces de emociones maravillosas, profundas y sofisticadas, de amor y alegría inspiradores y apasionados. Sin embargo, a menudo resulta difícil permanecer en contacto con estas emociones durante largos periodos de tiempo. Los niños pequeños experimentan reflejos...
La relación entre un terapeuta y un cliente
The road to hell is paved with... As a person, family or country becomes less focused on mere physical survival, the awareness of the importance of emotional health, relationships and spirituality becomes stronger. Ever more people are looking for help and...
Revolución biológica
While learning to recognize emotional patterns from childhood, emotional traditions of our family and their consequences, and how to heal and change them, it's important not to ignore biological aspects of our everyday behaviour. Without awareness of what our...
Prueba de madurez emocional
Most people like tests! Test your emotional maturity with these 35 statements. Answer each statement with YES, NO or MAYBE / SOMETIMES. Answer spontaneously, without analysing too much. Write down or remember your answers and check your points in the next page....
Prueba de madurez emocional (parte 2)
Points with comments 1. My country is hopeless. I wish to emigrate!YES: +2, NO: 0, MAYBE/SOMETIMES: +1Explanation: "Yes" indicates focusing on the negative, generalizing, black and white thinking, playing the victim - especially if you live in Europe,...
Pasado y Prejuicio
Our brains live in the past Many people become grumpier and grumpier as they age. Perhaps you notice that you are more judgmental and critical than you used to be? Perhaps you feel that people were nicer and more polite when you were younger, that the sun shone...
¿Eres demasiado sensible?
Emotional "hypersensitivity" is a relative category, just like various types of sensory sensitivities. Can somebody tell you that you are "overly sensitive" to chili, for example? People are differently sensitive to sounds, smells, tastes - and emotions as...
5 razones por las que odio la manipulación
Quite often, when discussing or reading discussions about manipulative marketing and other ways in which individuals cheat other people out of their hard-earned money (or time, or energy, or anything), I see people admiring skillful manipulators. Many will describe...
Mis 2 centavos sobre las Rociadas
Some years ago, the idea of chemtrails (conspiracy theory which claims that condensation trails left by airplanes are full of dangerous chemicals deliberately sprayed to damage, manipulate and enslave people) was rather unknown and promoted by only a handful of...
Pensamientos errados sobre la espiritualidad
From time to time, I meet people who proudly proclaim that they don?t want to be around anyone who is not ?spiritual enough?. Recently that got me thinking: but what does it mean? For some people, it might mean following a certain religion, or any religion. For...
Decisiones difíciles
Many times, resolving childish emotions, internal conflicts, and toxic beliefs can make difficult decisions much easier. You might recognize, for example, that your partner is not your child, and it?s not your responsibility to make them happy. Or you might resolve...
¿Quién lo tiene peor: los hombres o las mujeres?
Hay que reconocer que el título es un poco "clickbaity". Pero el artículo no defrauda. Aunque sólo sea por eso, es fácil ser consciente de nuestros propios problemas y no darse cuenta de las cosas a las que se enfrentan otras personas, y aprender sobre ellas podría ayudar a todos a ser más amables con los demás. A propósito...
Preguntas y respuestas sobre la madurez emocional
Hace poco tuve una interesante discusión filosófica sobre qué son realmente el "comportamiento maduro" y las "emociones maduras", y según qué criterios (y de quién) se definen. Sobre algunos de los criterios ya escribí en el artículo "Emotional...
Religión e instintos tribales
Some time last autumn, I was chatting with an acquaintance about toxic beliefs from childhood. He said he was surprised that many people avoid changing such beliefs, sometimes finding excuses, sometimes even reacting with hostility if they disagree with others?...
Matrimonio: ¿Amor o deber?
Most people enter marriage full of ideals of mutual love and respect "until death do us part" and happy, smart and cooperative children. Life, however, is not quite so tidy and organized, so it often faces us with challenges, as if saying, "Really? Well, let's see...
En busca de aceptación
Did you ever feel fully seen and accepted - welcomed - just as you are, here and now? Perhaps you'd agree that it's a feeling that rivals falling in love in some ways. Yet, not only few people in this world really have a chance to experience this, but few people even...
¿Por qué la necesidad de culpar a la víctima?
When you read about people in trouble, or victims of violence or political circumstances... do you mentally find reasons why such things wouldn't happen to you? "I'd do differently in such a situation...", "In her place, I'd try to escape...", "That's just how...
¿Eres un mono volador? (y cómo evitar serlo)
¿Qué es "un mono volador"? La expresión "mono volador" tiene su origen en el libro "El Mago de Oz", en el que un grupo de monos alados sirve a una bruja malvada y ejecuta sus destructivas órdenes. En la vida real, describe a una persona manipulada para...
Convierta el dolor emocional en pasión e inspiración
El dolor físico es una señal de que algo va mal. Nuestra reacción automática es reducirlo lo antes posible. Es lógico que reaccionemos de la misma manera ante el dolor emocional. Además, estamos condicionados por nuestras comunidades y cultura para evitar las emociones desagradables, esconder...
Cómo vivir con integridad
Tu integridad y tu relación contigo mismo son lo único que puedes poseer de verdad; el único punto firme en el universo que puedes tener. Si lo pones en peligro, pierdes la confianza en ti mismo y en el futuro te será más difícil confiar en ti mismo. Eso significa...
¿Cómo perdonar de verdad y ser perdonado?
¿Por qué a veces es tan difícil perdonar? Muchos libros de la Nueva Era y de autoayuda dicen que, para alcanzar la paz interior, tenemos que perdonar a las personas que nos han hecho daño. Un mensaje habitual sobre cómo hacerlo es algo así como: ¡decide perdonar! O pueden darte instrucciones...
Qué es la responsabilidad y cómo aclararla
Para mí, la responsabilidad sana es ante todo una expresión de amor. Queremos hacer las cosas bien y con buenas consecuencias a largo plazo porque nos importa la persona o personas en cuestión (o los animales o el planeta). Pero, como todo en la vida y las emociones humanas,...
How To Find Balance Between Caring What Others Think And Selfishness?
Question: Where is the middle ground between ?stop caring about what others think? & ?stop being so selfish?? photo by Leio McLaren Answer: Both caring about what other people think and selfishness are parts of our biological makeup, as well as our upbringing....
La fisura básica en una personalidad
In this article I will describe a process that seems to be present to some extent in many families. If you do not recognise yourself in it at all, you probably had very wise parents. In that case, this article can help you to better understand other people?s...
La relación entre un terapeuta y un cliente
The road to hell is paved with... As a person, family or country becomes less focused on mere physical survival, the awareness of the importance of emotional health, relationships and spirituality becomes stronger. Ever more people are looking for help and...
"¡No sé qué quiero!"
Our desires and goals motivate us towards self-fulfillment and increase our enjoyment of life. But not just that - recognizing goals and working on them are important in coaching and psychotherapy. Since emotional conditioning and limitations are primarily reflected...
Patrones en las relaciones amorosas
La mente subconsciente y el amor ¿Disfruta amando a su pareja? Aunque parezca paradójico, para muchas personas el amor es más una fuente de dolor que de felicidad. No hay ninguna otra relación adulta en la que la profundidad y la fuerza de nuestras necesidades, huellas y creencias de...
Psicología de la enfermedad
"Official" medicine acknowledges more and more often that psychological processes influence certain diseases, as well as recovery from a disease. Stress is most often mentioned as the main cause of chronic psychosomatic...
Tratamiento del masoquismo
Emotional masochism Many people are bonded to suffering in some way. As children, they might have learned that they would be rewarded or comforted if they suffer, or they might have observed suffering people receiving special care and...
Terapia con ex soldados y veteranos de guerra
"I wasted my youth and my health fighting for imperial ambitions of greedy psychopaths, all the time believing I was protecting my beloved country." (quote from an ex soldier) War trauma and working with war veterans is not one of my specialties. However, from...
Terapia con clientes de familias saludables
While more than 90% of people?s emotional problems seem to originate in childhood (or are at least enhanced by early family), from time to time it?s an interesting experience to work with people who come from healthy, caring and quite mature families. (Some people who...
Decisiones difíciles
Many times, resolving childish emotions, internal conflicts, and toxic beliefs can make difficult decisions much easier. You might recognize, for example, that your partner is not your child, and it?s not your responsibility to make them happy. Or you might resolve...
Cuestiones internas y soluciones externas
Even when we are well aware that our strong emotions might be awakened memories from childhood, we might still find it very difficult to focus inwards to resolve those emotions. The urge to blame people around us and seek to change or control them can be overpowering....
Dieta, estrés y ansiedad
A danger in any therapy practice is if a therapist only focuses on one aspect of the problem ? usually the one (s)he is specialized in. While most emotional issues have at least some psychological components that can be addressed through therapy, it?s important to...
Lógica emocional
Una cita de un cliente con el que estuve trabajando hace poco: "No me valoro, así que si una chica se enamora de mí, automáticamente la respeto menos". Dejemos que se asimile por un momento. Prácticamente toda una novela está contenida en esta frase (además de algunas admirables...
Trabajo con los abusadores y las víctimas de abusos
Si por alguna razón te interesa aprender sobre el tema del maltrato, te recomiendo encarecidamente el libro "¿Por qué hace eso?", de Lundy Bancroft. Este libro es especialmente útil para desmontar algunos mitos comunes sobre las causas del maltrato y la violencia, ya sea...
Cuando la esperanza es una emoción "negativa
Some time ago, I was working with a woman in USA who has a private business in which she is very engaged, creative and responsible, and potentially very successful. Still, things were going downhill, primarily because of her relationships with her employees -...
¿Es su agotamiento el resultado de una culpa inconsciente?
Cómo los ayudantes se convierten en ayudantes Desde trabajadores sociales a enfermeros médicos, nadie dedica su carrera a ayudar a la gente sin un motivo. Vale, hay charlatanes que explotan a la gente, como en todas partes; hay quien sólo espera un trabajo seguro o un estatus, pero...
Incesto emocional
Mientras que muchas personas critican la falta de amor de sus padres, algunos padres dan a sus hijos aparentemente demasiado amor - pero inmaduro y necesitado en lugar de amor paternal maduro. Coaching Sistémico Integrativo reconoce el patrón de incesto emocional y sus consecuencias,...
¿Qué es la regresión de la edad?
Generally about the concept of age regression After all these years of writing about and working with emotions from childhood, it may finally be time to clarify some more the term I use in virtually every other article. ? Generally, the term "age regression" is used...
Ataques de pánico, fobia y ansiedad: cómo afrontarlos
This article contains some excerpts from the workbook "Turn Your Fear Into Courage". Fear is one of the first and the most common experiences of a baby. Our emotional patterns are stronger, more influential and more difficult to resolve if they are...
Transcripción: GoalWalk
Esta es una demostración del método "GoalWalk" del 2º módulo de Coaching Sistémico Integrativo. GoalWalk es un enfoque que utiliza la imaginación del cliente para activar los recursos subconscientes y reconocer los obstáculos emocionales inconscientes para lograr un objetivo. Este...
Transcripción: Haciendo Amigos con un Monstruo
Introducción: esta es una demostración de trabajo simbólico y metafórico del Módulo 3 de Coaching Sistémico Integrativo. Los monstruos son comunes en las imágenes simbólicas y es importante que no los rechacemos o destruyamos, sino que los integremos. Durante la integración, el trabajo metafórico...
Transcripción: Aclaración
Este es un extracto de una transcripción del módulo 1 de la formación en Coaching Sistémico Integrativo. La clarificación es uno de los primeros pasos de nuestro enfoque, relativamente simple y fácil para principiantes, pero aún así bastante eficaz. ANNA: Sentí cierta resistencia en el último ejercicio....
¿Cómo tomar mejores decisiones?
Do you often have problems with making decisions? If you try making up your mind based on conscious information and temporary emotions, your decision making might be limited and confusing (even if we ignore the impact of childhood emotions ? which we shouldn't). I...
¿Síndrome límite u odio a uno mismo?
If you don't love and appreciate yourself, you may not be aware of it enough. Perhaps you are used to constant internal self-criticism and perceive it as normal, or perhaps you live in a kind of emotional emptiness and detachment from feelings, functioning mainly...
Cómo liberarse del vínculo traumático
Pregunta: Hace casi un año salí de una relación abusiva. Sin embargo, todavía siento una profunda conexión con mi ex. Es difícil dejar de pensar en ellos y desear que cambien. He leído que se llama vínculo traumático. Pero ¿por qué persiste durante...
¿Magia negra o programación infantil?
In a public talk I gave some years ago, a man from the audience asked if I believed in black magic. He explained that, no matter what he did, things just didn?t work out in his life, so he suspected some external malevolent influence at work. He wasn?t...
The Secret Reasons Behind Self-Sabotage (And How To Break Free)
Many people are not fully aware of how often they engage in self-sabotage. Consider: have you ever nearly completed an important project, only to suddenly lose the energy and drive to finish it? Have you ever pushed away a promising relationship (of any...
¿Cómo reconocer el chantaje emocional?
Manipulation by definition presumes covert attempt to control others, usually involving twisting facts and using words in ways that might be difficult to distinguish from honest communication. That's why people are often confused whether they might...
El regalo del miedo (y algunos recuerdos)
?Intuition is always right in at least two important ways:1. It is always in response to something.2. It always has your best interest at heart.(...) Our interpretation of intuition is not always right.?Gavin de Becker, The Gift of Fear This time I want to...
Lecciones del pasado
Working with some young clients lately got me thinking about myself in the same age, when I just arrived to a big city to study. More and more often these days, I see those memories as if looking at somebody else rather than identifying with my younger self and seeing...
¿Te sientes tomada por concedida? Abuso y amor incondicional
A common pattern in unhealthy relationships is when (at least) one of the partners takes the other for granted, perhaps being aggressive, manipulative or dismissive ? but when the other partner decides to leave, the first suddenly starts acting like an...
Señales de alarma en las relaciones de pareja
Incompatibility is fairly common in relationships, which means there are plenty of potential red flags of incompatibility depending of one's values and personal traits. However, sometimes you might not simply be incompatible with a love interest, but you might have...
¿Eres un mono volador? (y cómo evitar serlo)
¿Qué es "un mono volador"? La expresión "mono volador" tiene su origen en el libro "El Mago de Oz", en el que un grupo de monos alados sirve a una bruja malvada y ejecuta sus destructivas órdenes. En la vida real, describe a una persona manipulada para...
Trabajo con los abusadores y las víctimas de abusos
Si por alguna razón te interesa aprender sobre el tema del maltrato, te recomiendo encarecidamente el libro "¿Por qué hace eso?", de Lundy Bancroft. Este libro es especialmente útil para desmontar algunos mitos comunes sobre las causas del maltrato y la violencia, ya sea...
Cómo defenderse a sí mismo
Proteger los propios límites personales y encontrar el equilibrio con otras personas, ya sean familiares o extraños, y a menudo de forma sutil, son partes cotidianas de la vida humana. Poner a prueba y sobrepasar los límites de los demás es normal en la relación de un hijo con sus padres, y...
¿Cómo perdonar de verdad y ser perdonado?
¿Por qué a veces es tan difícil perdonar? Muchos libros de la Nueva Era y de autoayuda dicen que, para alcanzar la paz interior, tenemos que perdonar a las personas que nos han hecho daño. Un mensaje habitual sobre cómo hacerlo es algo así como: ¡decide perdonar! O pueden darte instrucciones...
¿Está siendo abusado?
photo by: Daniele Levis Pelusi What is "normal"? When I was in my first year at uni, we had a discussion about what is actually a behavioral disorder. Long story short, the professor's conclusion was that a behavioral disorder is defined not in terms of...
¿Pueden las personas buenas ser maltratadoras?
How and why can good people be abusers? In short: yes, it is sometimes possible for otherwise good people to be abusers in close relationships. I had (at least) one such in my family; I worked as a coach with several of them. Although I don't specialize in abuse so I...
Cómo liberarse del vínculo traumático
Pregunta: Hace casi un año salí de una relación abusiva. Sin embargo, todavía siento una profunda conexión con mi ex. Es difícil dejar de pensar en ellos y desear que cambien. He leído que se llama vínculo traumático. Pero ¿por qué persiste durante...
The Best Comebacks For Rude People
My core topic is emotional maturity, so it's expected that I'd always advise polite and de-escalating communication?and so I do. However, that kind of communication only works with fundamentally well-meaning people, which is not everybody. Some people love to put...
Revolución biológica
While learning to recognize emotional patterns from childhood, emotional traditions of our family and their consequences, and how to heal and change them, it's important not to ignore biological aspects of our everyday behaviour. Without awareness of what our...
Mis 2 centavos sobre las Rociadas
Some years ago, the idea of chemtrails (conspiracy theory which claims that condensation trails left by airplanes are full of dangerous chemicals deliberately sprayed to damage, manipulate and enslave people) was rather unknown and promoted by only a handful of...
Lecciones del pasado
Working with some young clients lately got me thinking about myself in the same age, when I just arrived to a big city to study. More and more often these days, I see those memories as if looking at somebody else rather than identifying with my younger self and seeing...
¿Quién lo tiene peor: los hombres o las mujeres?
Hay que reconocer que el título es un poco "clickbaity". Pero el artículo no defrauda. Aunque sólo sea por eso, es fácil ser consciente de nuestros propios problemas y no darse cuenta de las cosas a las que se enfrentan otras personas, y aprender sobre ellas podría ayudar a todos a ser más amables con los demás. A propósito...
Inteligencia académica y emocional: ¿Correlacionada o no?
It can be surprising sometimes when obviously intelligent people make mess in their own or other people?s lives with their lack of emotional awareness, lack of empathy or by surrendering to unhealthy emotions. It feels natural to expect intelligent people to also be...
Religión e instintos tribales
Some time last autumn, I was chatting with an acquaintance about toxic beliefs from childhood. He said he was surprised that many people avoid changing such beliefs, sometimes finding excuses, sometimes even reacting with hostility if they disagree with others?...
Matrimonio: ¿Amor o deber?
Most people enter marriage full of ideals of mutual love and respect "until death do us part" and happy, smart and cooperative children. Life, however, is not quite so tidy and organized, so it often faces us with challenges, as if saying, "Really? Well, let's see...
Poder vs. Empatía
More and more lately, I have an impression that the results of parliamentary elections across the world partly reflect the percentage of population who admire power/money and individuals who have power/money. The desire for power and admiration for those who...
¿Por qué la necesidad de culpar a la víctima?
When you read about people in trouble, or victims of violence or political circumstances... do you mentally find reasons why such things wouldn't happen to you? "I'd do differently in such a situation...", "In her place, I'd try to escape...", "That's just how...
Lo mejor y lo peor de la corrección política
The good In its essence, the intention of political correctness is compassion and thoughtfulness. Both are very much needed in the world. Waving it off with excuses such as ?suck it up? or ?my grandfather succeeded in spite of adversity, so you should too?, is at best...
Can Traditional Gender Roles Work?
By traditional gender roles, many people presume that the man works outside the home to earn money, while the woman takes on the roles of mother and housewife. (Throughout most of human history, this wasn't actually the norm, as women also had to work to ensure...
Fighting about feminism
Question: I'm in a new, long-distance relationship (a few months). My boyfriend and I were recently fighting about feminism. Since then, he seems more distant. I'm afraid of losing him - he is a great guy. Can you give me some advice? Answer: Plenty of details are...
Cómo ser resistente en tiempos de incertidumbre: 7 expectativas y 8 estrategias
My nature is cautiously optimistic. Like many people, I used to believe that our society was mostly stable and that much of the worst violence was a thing of the past. I imagine many people felt the same and saw no need to learn how to be resilient. Even when...
Kosjenka Muk
Soy formadora de Coaching Sistémico Integrativo y profesora de educación especial. He impartido talleres y conferencias en 10 países, y he ayudado a cientos de personas en más de 20 países de los 5 continentes (on y offline) a encontrar soluciones para sus patrones emocionales. Escribí el libro "Madurez Emocional en la Vida Cotidiana" y una serie de cuadernos de trabajo relacionados.
Algunas personas me preguntan si también hago trabajos corporales como masajes... lamentablemente, el único tipo de masaje que puedo hacer es frotar sal en las heridas.
Es broma. En realidad soy muy gentil. La mayor parte del tiempo.