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What is Self-esteem?

Self-esteem and Love Relationships

Self-esteem and Violence

Self-esteem And Guilt

Feeling Not Good Enough: How To Recognize And Heal It In Its Roots


What Does Your Subconscious Believe About Love?

Patterns in Love Relationships

Suffering in Love

Love Lasts 3 Years?

How To Keep Passion Alive

Falling In Love With “Bad Guys” (And Girls)

Prepare For Marriage Or Living Together

Marriage: Love or Duty?

Sexual problems

Fear of Being Alone

Fear of Intimacy


Values vs. Personal Traits

Red Flags in Relationships

Green Flags: How To Recognize a Healthy Relationship?

What Happens When a Love Partner Is a Parental Substitute?

Attachment Styles and Disorders & How To Heal Them

Why Unattractive Women Usually Have Happier Marriages

Is It OK To Stay In Touch With an Ex?

Do You Feel Taken For Granted? Abuse And Unconditional Love

Affairs: Who, Why, And How To Move On

Trying to Get Back a Lost Love

20+ Essential Lessons About Falling In Love

Tips for Long-Distance Relationship Success


Communication, Manipulation and Need for Power

Non-verbal and Subtle Communication

Setting Boundaries

How To Give Emotional Validation While Being Criticized

Are You Too Sensitive?

5 Reasons Why I Hate Manipulation

Are You Critical Of Others?

Communication Styles: Directing And Informing

How To Overcome Social Rejection And Awkwardness

10 Key Rules For Communication In A Relationship

How To Resist Manipulation

How To Give Advice To Your Partner Without Arguing

Am I Boring? And What To Do About It?

How To Start a Difficult Conversation If Afraid Of Conflict?


Emotional Maturity

What Is Age Regression?

Intimacy With Your Own Feelings

Observing Feelings

When People Fear Their Own Emotions

Questions and Answers About Emotional Maturity

Emotional Maturity Test

How to Relax and Reduce Stress

Panic Attacks, Phobia And Anxiety: How To Deal With Them

How To Change Toxic Habits

The Gift of Fear (And Some Memories)

Emotional Logic

Is Your Burnout the Result of Unconscious Guilt?

When Hope is a “Negative” Emotion

How To Overcome the Fear of Making Mistakes

How To Make Better Decisions?

Borderline Syndrome Or Self Hatred?

Borderline Syndrome: Inability To Suppress Emotions From Childhood?


Emotional Incest

Healthy Family Relationships

Children Need Challenges

Are You Truly Ready To Have a Child?

Children and Money – Setting Boundaries

The Basic Fissure in a Personality

Parenthood, Control and Guilt

A Sex Topic

How To Teach Children To Use Their Intuition

How To Teach Children Moral Values Without Annoying Them Too Much


How To Be Your Own Authority

Your True Self

How To Sustain Your Inner Warmth

In Search of Acceptance

Turn Emotional Pain Into Passion And Inspiration


Quantum Leap In Consciousness

How To Achieve a Lasting Change

How to Stay Motivated To Work On Self-Improvement

50 Ways To Keep Your New Year Resolutions

Are You Willing to Face Pain?

Internal Issues And External Solutions

Stray Thoughts About Spirituality


How To Live With Integrity

Past and Prejudice

Difficult Decisions

Why the Need for Victim Blaming?


Transcript: GoalWalk

Transcript: Making Friends With a Monster

Transcript: Clarification

Relationship Between a Therapist and a Client

“I Don’t Know What Do I Want!”

Therapy with ex soldiers and war veterans

Treatment of Masochism

Therapy With Clients From Healthy Families


Are You Being Abused?

Coaching Abusers and Victims of Abuse

How To Truly Forgive And Be Forgiven?

How To Recognize Emotional Blackmail

Are You a Flying Monkey? (And How To Avoid Being One)

How To Stand Up For Yourself

Can Good People Be Abusers?


Religion and Tribal Instincts

Who Has It Worse: Men Or Women?

Power vs. Empathy

Biological Revolution

An Advice For Women Who Want To Be Taken Seriously

Lessons From the Past

The Best And The Worst In Political Correctness


Psychology of Disease

Academic and Emotional Intelligence: Correlated or Not?

Diet, Stress And Anxiety

My 2 Cents About Chemtrails

Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.

Kosjenka Muk

I’m an Integrative Systemic Coaching trainer and special education teacher. I taught workshops and gave lectures in 10 countries, and helped hundreds of people in 20+ countries on 5 continents (on- and offline) find solutions for their emotional patterns. I wrote the book “Emotional Maturity In Everyday Life” and a related series of workbooks.

Some people ask me if I do bodywork such as massage too – sadly, the only type of massage I can do is rubbing salt into wounds.  😉

Just kidding. I’m actually very gentle. Most of the time.

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Integrative Systemic Coaching
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Integrative Systemic Coaching training enables you to help others with resolving their relationship and emotional patterns, releasing limiting beliefs and integrating lost qualities and lost identity.