Table of Contents Solve Abortion Consequences © Martyn Carruthers |
The consequences of abortion and miscarriage can include guilt, 1: Emotional Consequences of Abortion : 3: Spiritual Consequences of Abortion Relationship Consequences of AbortionAbortion seems to affect sense of life. People affected by abortion may become unable to feel joyously connected to their friends, partners, families, humanity and to their God. If human connectedness is replaced by depression and suffering, then abortion is a spiritual issue. We help people find solutions for the relationship problems and emotional consequences of abortion, and other family secrets.
Depression & Lost ChildrenGuilt seems to naturally result from hurting people. Pleasure may seem senseless if you have hurt or killed a child – or a potential child. Following an abortion, unresolved guilt may depress your life. Some common signs of guilty depression are:
Depression . Anxiety . Stress . Suicide Relationship Health & our Systemic CoachingWe help people solve relationship problems. We find that aborted children are important relationships, although many people try to forget about their abortions. We find that parents and their surviving children often carry an emotional baggage of guilt, and they suffer relationship consequences.
Ultimatum: “Either lose the baby or lose me”A woman may have an abortion following an ultimatum that either she end her pregnancy or her partner leaves. If a man insists that his child be killed, despite his partner’s desire for a baby; this couple may never regain their intimacy … even if they stay together … unless they manage their guilt, anxiety and anger. We integrate our post-abortion coaching with marriage counseling and couple coaching, and we help couples rebuild intimacy and commitment after losing a child. Missing ChildrenSiblings of an aborted child may be troubled by nightmares. They may have disturbing dreams of being chased by monsters or ghosts, or that someone wants to kill them. They may also have phantom friends or treat pets like siblings. Such children may be overwhelmed with grief if such a pet dies. My 6 year old daughter had recurring nightmares for years … being chased by a bad man Within a month of our sessions, my daughter now sleeps peacefully. Our pre-marital coaching and couple coaching may include post-abortion counseling to help resolve previous abortions and miscarriages (by their mothers) – especially if a couple is having difficulty conceiving a child. Abortion & Birth OrderFollowing an abortion, many people describe (feel or experience) a dark shape or black hole in or near their bodies. Other children may also sense this “hole”, and be affected by it, perhaps with nightmares of being trapped, or of being hunted. Following a secret abortion, other family members may sense that something is wrong. This feeling of wrongness often seems to be experienced by children in subsequent generations! A potential child was killed at the parents’ request.
Failed AbortionsOccasionally, I meet people whose parents tried to abort them, but failed. As children they often had nightmares of being chased by monsters, and seemed to grow up distrusting their parents. They may also have phobias of hospitals, clinics etc. I coached four people with phobias of old women in Poland (where abortion was illegal) and the original significant emotional events appeared to be illegal abortions that failed to kill the fetus. (I don’t recall ever being presented with this phobia in the West). I had two abortions. I should have had three, but I left it too late and Consequences to AbortionistsThe abortionists I have met seemed dissociated (unable to feel many emotions) and less able to enjoy relationships or even happiness. They seemed to seek distractions more than meaningful lives; resulting in obsessions, addictions and divorces. Your writing about abortion is pure nonsense. Abortion is not murder anymore Doctors appear to have the highest professional suicide rate … As a doctor I have advised many women to have abortions … and I have seen most of Since you started reading this page, about two thousand more abortions have just been made. Most of those little bodies are now in garbage containers and some are being processed or harvested. Many of these deaths will have consequences that the parents, families and abortionists are not prepared for. Contact us to resolve your emotions or relationship problems |
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