Solve Problems © Jan Sikorski

Online Life Coaching, Counseling & Mentorship

“Organizations are changing faster than at any time in history!”

This could have been said by a Roman general, a medieval king or the founder of a software company. Technological innovation, changing markets and societal trends are changing how people behave – and this changes organizations.

Systemic Solutions helps people manage human change in organizations. These skills are an essential component of any coaching, training or mentorship program, complementing the skills of existing agencies, or for creating a streamlined and cost-effective training agency within existing or startup organizations.

People who can’t coach do everything themselves!

Skilled people can share their knowledge and skills with others. Those who can’t share knowledge can ask for help; risk learning from mistakes; or find a competent coach.

We coach managers to be primarily responsible for fulfilling goals and allocating resources, and to upgrade human resources as much as physical resources. Upgrading human resources is often called “coaching”, “training” and “mentorship” – and are essential management and leadership skills.

In House Systemic Coach Training

External training is usually generic, unconnected to an organization’s goals, challenges or culture, and often at inconvenient times and locations. In House training can provide tailored on-site solutions for organizational challenges – and for the people attending it – in an organizations many locations.

  1. Can people perform skills to the required standards?
  2. Do you need people to develop specific skills?
  3. Do these people work together? Can they work together?
  4. Do these people need training or upgrading? Are they trainable?
  5. Do you want to foster or change the “corporate culture” during training?
  6. Do you want to become more involved in training content and results?
  7. Are the desired skills urgently needed or can they be delayed?
  8. Have the skills been analyzed and performance levels set?
  9. Are your people motivated and prepared to learn new skills?
  10. Can you trained your people on how to coach each other?
Training In House Trainers

Systemic coaching can:

  1. help managers define skills for changes in operations, standards & personnel
  2. help develop “skills pools” in anticipation of future organizational needs
  3. identify groups of people that may require new or upgraded skills
  4. analyze business plans to create complementary training plans
  5. coach managers to identify individuals needing coaching, training or mentorship
  6. provide individual coaching for individual issues
  7. model top performers and teach their performance strategies
  8. apply “accelerated learning” skills for faster understanding and better retention
  9. support and strengthen the corporate or organizational culture
  10. provide co-trainers, translators and specialists trained in Systemic Solutions
Training Delivery

A Systemic Solutions trainer:

  1. Gains management commitment
  2. Defines who the training is really for
  3. Tailors objectives for participants and the organization
  4. Defines required knowledge, skills and attitudes
  5. Ensures physical and emotional safety
  6. Manages organizational and cultural differences
  7. Prepares training materials, sequence and environment
  8. Provides participants with preparatory materials
  9. Delivers training using experiential accelerated learning
  10. Evaluates feedback and improves every step

Systemic Solutions applies systemic coaching to provide effective telephone coaching, training and mentorship programs. We coach and train people to resolve emotional, mental and relationship challenges.

If you are interested in adding coaching to your skills, we offer training programs with many levels of application. While designed for professionals in health, education and psychology; we welcome friendly, stable people who wish to learn systemic coaching.

If you wish to use Systemic Coaching, this program coaches you to coach people to gain clarity, dissolve relationship issues and find a deep understanding of “what makes sense.” You’ll help people solve success and relationship problems. You’ll help them fulfill their dreams.

Do you want relationship coaching or systemic coach training?
Do you want to coach people to resolve relationship challenges?

Categories: Articles