Applied Expert Modeling © Martyn Carruthers 1998

Online Help: Coaching, Counseling & Therapy

Accelerated Learning

If you do not regularly increase, update and use your knowledge, you risk being left behind by those who do. Our accelerated learning, knowledge management and expert modeling are important life skills – systemic education skills that are rarely taught at school or university

Your continued survival, wellbeing and success may require that you learn and use not only intellectual skills, but emotional and relationship skills. Some key skills for accelerated learning are:

  1. learn HOW to learn comfortably and efficiently
  2. learn HOW to organize information quickly
  3. learn HOW to use information effectively

There are easier ways to learn than most people experience in schools and university. Some teachers seem to transform the natural curiosity of children into boring repetition of irrelevant data. Many children learn how to dissociate – they learn to sleep with their eyes open. Some children diagnosed with learning disabilities seem to suffer from teaching disabilities!

For four years he was an average student and yet he placed second in his final examinations … he said that he had attended sessions of your accelerated learning a few days before the exams and that you “coached” him to organize years of information using something that sounds like hypnosis … this seems rather close to cheating.
From a University Professor, Canada

In many Eastern cultures, social skills, communication and relationship skills are considered more important than information. In the West, credentials are generally more important than competence and relationship skills, and emotional intelligence may be ignored or left to chance. Some key skills of emotional intelligence are:

  1. learn HOW to recognize and manage emotions
  2. learn HOW to find the causes and benefits of emotions
  3. learn HOW to express and communicate emotions appropriately

Failure to use knowledge management skills may result in lower performance, reduced prospects at work and a risk of being labeled as learning disabled – or just slow.

  1. learn HOW to recognize and appreciate people
  2. learn HOW to appropriately behave in different relationships
  3. learn HOW to recognize transferences and relationship types

If you fail to develop your relationship skills, you risk a lowered acceptance by other people, and problems enjoying friendship, teamwork, partnership and parenthood.

Some people prefer to avoid intellectual, emotional or relationship intelligence. The reasons often involve identity loss – resulting from emotional incest, parental alienation or other relationship experiences. We coach people to accelerate their excellence by resolving relationship issues and emotional problems that delay happiness.

Decelerating Education with Fluoridated Drinking Water

“It is apparent that fluorides have the ability to interfere with the
functions of the brain.” (National Research Council, 2006)

Study Proves Fluoride Brain Damage tapwater

Nazi concentration camp staff fluoridated drinking water to increase prisoner docility. Fluoridated drinking water causes neurodegeneration and damage of the neocortex and hippocampus areas of mammal brains. Fluorides discolor teeth and can cause memory impairment and docility.

Are you dumbing down your children? Scientific studies in China, Mexico, India and Iran have shown that chronic exposure to low levels of fluorine is associated with IQ deficits and docile behavior, especially in (but not limited to) children.

It’s not only fluorine, however.
Lead, mercury and other poisons can also cause this chemical brain drain.

Systemic Coaching in Education

It’s not too late to learn – if you can answer “Yes” to these questions:

  • Do you accept responsibility for your own learning?
  • Do you want to apply your knowledge in the real world?
  • Do you want assimilate new information quickly and easily?

Most people accept the learning styles of their parents and teachers without question, and a few people develop their own learning styles. Does your learning style help you assimilate and use new information? We can coach you to find, refine and use what is most effective for you; and help you design and fine tune your own learning.

Accelerated Learning Strategies

Our accelerated learning includes strategies for improving learning. We developed some of our strategies as we researched how people learn. Our programs:

  1. are appropriate, relevant and demanding
  2. fit students emotional and intellectual ages
  3. develop students’ ability to plan their learning
  4. develop students’ ability to deal with relationships
  5. help students’ develop intellectually and emotionally
  6. build problem solving skills in authentic applications
  7. focus on personal experiences and real world concerns

Systemic Accelerated Learning

We tailor our work to each client and student, and we explore how to develop perhaps-unique accelerated learning strategies appropriate for your personal goals. What accelerates your learning may not be optimal for your friend, partner or student. We help people create their own individual accelerated learning strategies.

 I was a demonstration subject during your workshop on accelerated learning, and I chose organizing a parade in my town as a project. I was later too busy to organize the parade and when I met the town council I felt that I had let them down. I was shocked as I stood up and gave the council members most of the details that they needed. I was commended for my effort – but those compliments should go to you! Canada

Accelerated Learning for Children with Problems

We support children teenagers and young adults with suspected relationship or emotional problems by 1. coaching their parents, and 2. coaching the children or teenagers themselves. We help provide appropriate social-emotional support for parents and children, and ways to evaluate and change childhood relationship issues and emotional problems, and to accelerate learning.

Other Accelerated Learning Possibilities

While suggestions, relaxation, music etc may benefit your learning, the effects are likely short term. Most blocks to learning seem to originate in uncomfortable emotions, limiting beliefs and relationship fixations. If your goal is to pass some examinations and then forget everything, these approaches may be OK. For lasting results, you may need to change some beliefs – we call them relationship bonds.

Hypnosis , Suggestion & Metaphors

Many books and CDs claim to help you improve your learning, often by overcoming your beliefs with more powerful ideas. That sounds like marketing to us, but some of it may work for you.

Speed Reading

Speed reading comprehension tests on people who have attended popular speed reading workshops have not shown the wondrous claims made for this modality.

Relaxation Response

When you are relaxed, you are more likely to concentrate on whatever is being taught, especially if it is presented in interesting ways. If you are anxious or worried about something, you may remember your fears better than the material that you study.

Laughter & Fun

Why not make learning fun? Look for funny sides of the material you want to remember. Maybe imagine clowns juggling with the data or imagine what your favorite comedian might say about it. Perhaps you can make funny anagrams of the first letters of key information.

Musical Learning

Does listening to music help you study? Not me – although some sellers of recorded music claim that their music can help you learn. Dr Lozanov, a pioneer of accelerated learning, claimed that Baroque music (e.g. J.S. Bach and G.F. Handel) helps people remember what they study.

Sleep Learning

Sleep learning seems more likely to disturb your sleep and cause strange dreams rather than improve your rest. Even small amounts of sleep deprivation can negatively affect your study. Instead of learning, tired people may drift into inattention, daydreams, impaired memory and shortened attention span.

Practice & Review

How do you review and use your memorized knowledge? A review schedule can make a tremendous difference to your retention of knowledge, rather than trying to cram all review into the last day before an interview or examination.

Left and Right Brains

Some psychologists insist that both sides of your brain have different functions. The left side is supposed to deal with language, numbers and logic, while the right side may deal with music, visual impressions and patterns. Even if true, we do not find this particularly useful.


Do you have trouble remembering numbers and equations? This may be due to a too-early introduction to mathematics, which resulted in remembering frustration rather than remembering relationships between quantities. This can result in unpleasant feelings when you consider science problems or mathematical equations. We can help people change unpleasant associations.

Food for Thought

Some dietary supplements claim to boost brain power and memory, although it may seem that many books on this topic have contradictory recommendations. As many processed foods seem to lack nutritional ingredients, some food supplements may make sense. But which ones?

Stress & Memory

Your stress can help or hinder your study and recall. Although you can use many excellent relaxation techniques both ancient and modern, perhaps choose a low-stress learning location where you can make mistakes and still expect success.

Drugs & Memory: State Dependent Learning

The side-effects of some prescription & recreational drugs include drowsiness and disorientation that does not support long-term memory. While coffee may raise blood pressure and alertness, and nicotine may help stabilize emotions for a while, both are addictive and neither may be available during important exams or interviews.

Bottom Line

Filter everything you want to learn with a healthy skepticism and test new information for accuracy, relevance and consequences. This can increase your interest in the material and help you remember the information that you choose.

Contact us to remove educational blocks and accelerate learning.

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