I have noticed, from time to time, books and workshops that are advertised with bombastic promises such as: 'take control in all communication', 'get people to do things you want them to do', ' develop magnetic attraction' and so on.Everything we do influences other...
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Most Popular
Non-verbal and Subtle Communication
The more we work on noticing details of our communications with others, the more we start to notice how much we usually miss. There are so many messages the person we talk to will send through very small nonverbal signals, the tone of their voice or their...
Your True Self
Children and mirroring Human beings are capable of wonderful, deep, sophisticated emotions, inspiring and passionate love and joy. However, it is often difficult to stay in touch with these emotions for extended periods of time. Small children experience reflections...
Patterns in Love Relationships
Subconscious mind and love Do you enjoy loving your significant other? Seemingly paradoxically, for many people love is a source of pain rather than bliss. There is no other adult relationship in which the depth and strength of our needs, imprints and beliefs from...
Falling In Love With “Bad Guys” (And Girls)
Biology behind love and attraction A significant number of men encourage each other to believe that women want dominant men who will overpower them and show them their place. It is true that women are somewhat more biologically attracted to confident, even dominant...
Emotional Incest
While many people criticize their parents' lack of love, some parents give their children seemingly too much love - but immature and needy rather than mature parental love. Integrative Systemic Coaching recognizes the pattern of emotional incest and its consequences,...
How To Be Your Own Authority
This is the first article I wrote for my first web-site, back in 2005, and still one of my favorites. In my late teens and early twenties, I spent a few years idealistically exploring New Age methods and communities. I met some very nice, smart and responsible...
Intimacy With Your Own Feelings
Every method of personal development that requires clients' cooperation and emotional involvement, assumes that the clients will have adequate awareness of their emotions for the work to be successful. It's unusual to find books or workshops that include a different...
Observing Feelings
At the root of much immature behavior is an urge to avoid unpleasant feelings. Practicing observing our feelings is the foundation of self-improvement - as well as being one of the most natural, simple and actually...
Emotional Maturity
Not many people ever think of the term 'emotional maturity,' and yet it's just as important as intellectual or physical maturity. I once read that many people stop emotionally maturing at the end of adolescence, while other authors claim emotional maturity most often...
Questions and Answers About Emotional Maturity
Recently I had an interesting philosophical discussion about what "mature behavior" and "mature emotions" actually are, and according to which (and whose) criteria are they defined. Some of the criteria I already wrote about in the article "Emotional...
Emotional Logic
A quote from a client I was working with recently: "I don't value myself, so if a girl falls in love with me, I automatically respect her less." Let that sink in for a moment. Practically a whole novel is contained in this one sentence (as well as some admirable...
Love Lasts 3 Years?
How relationships fail I've once read an article in a paper magazine which half-jokingly stated that "every love relationship lasts 3 years". The idea was that intimacy, passion and infatuation in an average relationship last about 3 years, after which they either...
Who Has It Worse: Men Or Women?
This is, admittedly, a rather clickbaity title. But the article won't disappoint. If nothing else, it's easy to be aware of our own problems and not notice things other people face, and learning about them might help everybody be kinder to each other. For the purpose...
How To Sustain Your Inner Warmth
Human warmth is a fragile thing. Even children who show or ask for emotional warmth are often rejected, ignored or even ridiculed. School, college and business are often brutal environments where people who fight for power are often the loudest and have the...
Are You a Flying Monkey? (And How To Avoid Being One)
What is "a flying monkey"? The expression "flying monkey" originates from the book "The Wizard of Oz", in which a group of winged monkeys serves an evil witch and executes her destructive commands. In real life, it describes a person who was manipulated into...
Working With Abusers and Victims of Abuse
If for whatever reason you are interested to learn about the topic of abuse, I strongly recommend the book "Why Does He Do That?" by Lundy Bancroft. This book is especially useful for dismantling some common myths about what causes abuse and violence - whether...
How To Stand Up For Yourself
Protecting one's own personal boundaries and finding balance with other people, whether family or strangers, and often in subtle ways, are everyday parts of a human life. Testing and pushing on others' boundaries is normal in a relationship of a child to a parent, and...
Our solutions
Online coaching for individuals and couples
Integrative Systemic Coaching can help you in different areas of life in which you feel stuck, experience unpleasant emotions and self-sabotage.
Good relationship with your own self is the basis for any type of success and happiness. Some specific problems might be: lack of confidence, fear, guilt, anger, communication issues and similar. Most people are used to their self-image and day-to-day moods and are not aware how much better it could be.
Reducing unpleasant emotional and communication patterns in current relationship, resolving transferences and projections – or creating a new intimate relationship through resolving emotional blocks and creating emotional space for partnership.
Resolving beliefs that sabotage your initiative and creativity and prevent your success.
Integrative Systemic Coaching explores possible emotional causes od physical symptoms. Warning: Integrative Systemic Coaching does not replace professional medical help!
Our process
How our coaching works
Our coaching is fast and focused – in course of only one session, you can find out the roots of your issue and make a big step in resolving it.
Fast and Focused
In course of only one session, you can find out the roots of your issue and make a big step in resolving it.
We are Respectful
We don’t push you or use suggestive or manipulative methods. We help you find your own inner wisdom.
Permanent Solutions
Inner Strength
We help you find your own inner strength and resources, instead of deciding for you and trying to make you dependent.
Healing and Integration