da KosjenkaM | 16.Ott. 2023 | Nuovi articoli, Comunicazione, Famiglia e bambini
Author: Christian Rook Art: Philippe Ramette Imagine a shopfloor where the teamleader only praises the operators who consistently deliver good work while overlooking the effort and improvement of those who are struggling. This neglect of genuine recognition can...
da KosjenkaM | 30.Lug. 2024 | Famiglia e bambini, Amore e intimità
Question: I am 52 years old, divorced, and recently started a new relationship with a divorced man who has three adult daughters. Since he introduced me to his daughters, the youngest of them has been feeling very insecure. She has started coming over more often,...
da KosjenkaM | 31.Lug. 2024 | Famiglia e bambini
Question: I don?t like my son?s girlfriend, what can I do? Answer: You haven?t described the situation in detail, but we assume two basic scenarios: 1) either your son has gotten into a relationship with a truly destructive and unhealthy person, or 2) you might be...
da KosjenkaM | 4.Ago. 2024 | Famiglia e bambini, Società
In base ai tradizionali ruoli di genere, molte persone presumono che l'uomo lavori fuori casa per guadagnare denaro, mentre la donna assume il ruolo di madre e casalinga (per la maggior parte della storia dell'umanità, questa non era in realtà la norma, poiché anche le donne dovevano lavorare per...
da KosjenkaM | 21.Ago. 2024 | Famiglia e bambini
Question: My child is 9 months old, and I’m realizing (perhaps too late) that I don’t like being a parent. No part of taking care of my daughter appeals to me. I try to play with her, but if I don’t get a response, I give up. I feel...
da KosjenkaM | 7.Ott. 2024 | Famiglia e bambini, Nuovi articoli
Misconceptions about discipline Based on online discussions on parenting, a significant number of people still seem to believe that to discipline a child without hitting and yelling means not to discipline them at all. It appears that they think...