+385 98 9205 935 iscmentoring.eu@gmail.com

Fear of Being Alone

It surprises me sometimes, how many people say that fear of being alone makes them stay in unpleasant, unhealthy, even violent relationships. Personally, I like being alone, even if I like a good relationship based on trust far more. Fear of being alone is actually...

Psychology of Disease

  “Official” medicine acknowledges more and more often that psychological processes influence certain diseases, as well as recovery from a disease. Stress is most often mentioned as the main cause of chronic psychosomatic symptoms. Yet, psychological...

Emotional Maturity Test

  Most people like tests! Test your emotional maturity with these 35 statements. Answer each statement with YES, NO or MAYBE / SOMETIMES. Answer spontaneously, without analysing too much. Write down or remember your answers and check your points in the next page....
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