von KosjenkaM | 6.Aug.. 2015 | Kommunikation
Among many other details when it comes to relationships and communication, it?s useful to be aware of the difference between two basic ways to express a wish or a request: directing and informing. Directing style expresses a wish, a request or a demand directly: ?Shut...
von KosjenkaM | 21.Aug. 2015 | Integrität, Coaching
Many times, resolving childish emotions, internal conflicts, and toxic beliefs can make difficult decisions much easier. You might recognize, for example, that your partner is not your child, and it?s not your responsibility to make them happy. Or you might resolve...
von KosjenkaM | 13.Okt.. 2015 | Coaching, Persönliches Wachstum
Even when we are well aware that our strong emotions might be awakened memories from childhood, we might still find it very difficult to focus inwards to resolve those emotions. The urge to blame people around us and seek to change or control them can be overpowering....
von KosjenkaM | 12.Dez.. 2015 | Emotionales Wohlbefinden, Coaching
A danger in any therapy practice is if a therapist only focuses on one aspect of the problem ? usually the one (s)he is specialized in. While most emotional issues have at least some psychological components that can be addressed through therapy, it?s important to...
von KosjenkaM | 16.Jan.. 2016 | Neue Artikel, Integrität, Gesellschaft
Dies ist zugegebenermaßen ein etwas reißerischer Titel. Aber der Artikel wird Sie nicht enttäuschen. Zumindest ist es leicht, sich seiner eigenen Probleme bewusst zu sein und die Probleme anderer Menschen zu übersehen. Denn...