utworzone przez KosjenkaM | 24.kwi. 2005 | Integralność, Rozwój osobisty, Polecane artykuły
This is the first article I wrote for my first web-site, back in 2005, and still one of my favorites. In my late teens and early twenties, I spent a few years idealistically exploring New Age methods and communities. I met some very nice, smart and responsible...
utworzone przez KosjenkaM | 2.lut. 2006 | Dobre samopoczucie emocjonalne, Rozwój osobisty, Polecane artykuły
Niewiele osób myśli o terminie "dojrzałość emocjonalna", a przecież jest ona równie ważna jak dojrzałość intelektualna czy fizyczna. Kiedyś przeczytałem, że wiele osób przestaje dojrzewać emocjonalnie pod koniec okresu dojrzewania, podczas gdy inni autorzy twierdzą, że dojrzałość emocjonalna...
utworzone przez KosjenkaM | 15.lut. 2006 | Rozwój osobisty
A quote attributed to Einstein says that we cannot resolve a problem at the same level of thinking we used when creating it. This is especially true regarding emotional problems and life situations. Often we find ourselves within a disappointing circle of...
utworzone przez KosjenkaM | 11.kwi. 2006 | Rozwój osobisty, Inspiracja
Lack of patience Some people just lack confidence that they can change. They feel that their problems are either too difficult or too deep, or they are disappointed with the approaches they already tried. Even more often, they are inclined to lose motivation if a...
utworzone przez KosjenkaM | 13.sty. 2007 | Rozwój osobisty
Insufficient intensity and continuity of personal development work are common reasons why many people feel that their efforts do not produce results. At the first glance, this might look like a simple problem and that the solution is just some more will power (or the...
utworzone przez KosjenkaM | 9.sie. 2013 | Integralność, Rozwój osobisty
Our brains live in the past Many people become grumpier and grumpier as they age. Perhaps you notice that you are more judgmental and critical than you used to be? Perhaps you feel that people were nicer and more polite when you were younger, that the sun shone...