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Traffic Accidents With Psychological Causes

par | 4.Août. 2024 | Non catégorisé

from Q&A section

Question: Lately, I?ve been experiencing situations where I don?t react in critical moments. Specifically, in the last year and a half, I?ve had two car accidents where I simply didn?t react because I was convinced that my brakes weren?t working. The brakes were all right in both cases. Why can?t I react in those critical moments? I?m usually an extroverted person, I?ve traveled many kilometers and dealt with all kinds of road conditions. What is my subconscious telling me? How can I solve this?

Answer: Some possibilities include:

  • There may be some trauma in your past causing a feeling of helplessness in crisis situations, which the brain interprets as faulty brakes. Why does it happen now and not before? Many people become more aware of the subtle imprints in their unconscious minds only in their late 20s and early 30s. Perhaps when we are young, we are too focused on the outside world, achievements, and learning for our subconscious mind to get the more subtle messages through. Or perhaps there have been some changes in your life lately that activated the memories of past trauma.
  • There might have been a similar trauma in previous generations that affects you through identification (trans-generational trauma). It might be worth checking if there was any member of your family in previous generations who died at a similar age and in a way that was traumatic for the family.
  • It?s also possible, as with phobias, that the feeling of faulty brakes is a symbol for another problem in your life, perhaps a feeling of loss of control.

However, it?s difficult to speculate over the internet?it would be best to explore this face-to-face. Consider our online coaching.

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Attaques de panique, phobie et anxiété : comment y faire face

Logique émotionnelle

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Kosjenka Muk

Kosjenka Muk

Je suis formatrice en coaching systémique intégratif et enseignante spécialisée. J'ai donné des ateliers et des conférences dans 10 pays, et j'ai aidé des centaines de personnes dans plus de 20 pays sur 5 continents (en ligne et hors ligne) à trouver des solutions à leurs schémas émotionnels. J'ai écrit le livre "Emotional Maturity In Everyday Life" (La maturité émotionnelle au quotidien) et une série de cahiers d'exercices associés.

Certaines personnes me demandent si je fais aussi du travail corporel comme des massages ? malheureusement, le seul type de massage que je peux faire est de frotter du sel dans les plaies.

Je plaisante. En fait, je suis très doux. La plupart du temps.
