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Pourquoi est-ce que j'agis comme un enfant lorsque je me sens en danger ?

par | 31.Juil. 2024 | Communication, Croissance personnelle, Estime de soi

de Section des questions et réponses

Question: If I feel insecure or nervous, I start behaving like a child with my partner. It annoys him, but when I see that he is angry, I fall even more into that childish behavior. I remember that I used to do this before at work too. I don?t understand why my subconscious would think that I will achieve something by doing that. But my subconscious doesn?t think rationally, does it? Does this make sense to you?

Réponse: Our childhood programming often drives us to do things that might seem nonsensical to a rational observer. Children don?t only learn from their parents; they also experiment with different behaviors and adopt those that yield most benefits with the least pain.

I assume that as a child, you experienced that authority figures would be more lenient and attentive towards you if you behaved childishly. For many people, childish behavior triggers parental instincts, and this can develop as a pattern of conscious or unconscious manipulation (your partner likely feels manipulated). You may derive some benefits from this ? concessions, sympathy, etc., but the cost is that people will not take you seriously and truly respect you.

It?s good that you?ve become aware of this. Practice being aware of the moments when the motivation for such behavior arises and consciously return to the mindset of an adult. If rational, voluntary effort is not enough to solve the problem, you will need to work with your inner child and address possible trauma.


Lire la suite :

Logique émotionnelle

Qu'est-ce que la régression de l'âge ?

Comment résister à la manipulation


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Kosjenka Muk

Kosjenka Muk

Je suis formatrice en coaching systémique intégratif et enseignante spécialisée. J'ai donné des ateliers et des conférences dans 10 pays, et j'ai aidé des centaines de personnes dans plus de 20 pays sur 5 continents (en ligne et hors ligne) à trouver des solutions à leurs schémas émotionnels. J'ai écrit le livre "Emotional Maturity In Everyday Life" (La maturité émotionnelle au quotidien) et une série de cahiers d'exercices associés.

Certaines personnes me demandent si je fais aussi du travail corporel comme des massages ? malheureusement, le seul type de massage que je peux faire est de frotter du sel dans les plaies.

Je plaisante. En fait, je suis très doux. La plupart du temps.
