por KosjenkaM | 21.Ago. 2015 | Integridad, Coaching
Many times, resolving childish emotions, internal conflicts, and toxic beliefs can make difficult decisions much easier. You might recognize, for example, that your partner is not your child, and it?s not your responsibility to make them happy. Or you might resolve...
por KosjenkaM | 16.Ene. 2016 | Nuevos Artículos, Integridad, Sociedad
Hay que reconocer que el título es un poco "clickbaity". Pero el artículo no defrauda. Aunque sólo sea por eso, es fácil ser consciente de nuestros propios problemas y no darse cuenta de las cosas a las que se enfrentan otras personas, y aprender sobre ellas podría ayudar a todo el mundo a ser más amable con los demás. Para...
por KosjenkaM | 17.Ene. 2016 | Bienestar emocional, Integridad, Artículos recomendados
Recently I had an interesting philosophical discussion about what “mature behavior” and “mature emotions” actually are, and according to which (and whose) criteria are they defined. Some of the criteria I already wrote about in the...
por KosjenkaM | 24.Abr. 2016 | Integridad, Sociedad
Some time last autumn, I was chatting with an acquaintance about toxic beliefs from childhood. He said he was surprised that many people avoid changing such beliefs, sometimes finding excuses, sometimes even reacting with hostility if they disagree with others?...
por KosjenkaM | 29.May. 2016 | Amor e Intimidad, Integridad, Sociedad
La mayoría de las personas llegan al matrimonio llenas de ideales de amor y respeto mutuos "hasta que la muerte nos separe" e hijos felices, inteligentes y cooperativos. La vida, sin embargo, no es tan ordenada y organizada, así que a menudo nos plantea retos, como diciendo: "¿De verdad?...".
por KosjenkaM | 26.May. 2017 | Integridad, Inspiración, Crecimiento personal
Did you ever feel fully seen and accepted – welcomed – just as you are, here and now? Perhaps you’d agree that it’s a feeling that rivals falling in love in some ways. Yet, not only few people in this world really have a chance to experience...