por KosjenkaM | 10.Mar. 2005 | Coaching, Familia e hijos
In this article I will describe a process that seems to be present to some extent in many families. If you do not recognise yourself in it at all, you probably had very wise parents. In that case, this article can help you to better understand other people?s...
por KosjenkaM | 14.Jun. 2007 | Integridad, Coaching
The road to hell is paved with… As a person, family or country becomes less focused on mere physical survival, the awareness of the importance of emotional health, relationships and spirituality becomes stronger. Ever more people are looking for help and...
por KosjenkaM | 4.Dic. 2007 | Coaching
Our desires and goals motivate us towards self-fulfillment and increase our enjoyment of life. But not just that – recognizing goals and working on them are important in coaching and psychotherapy. Since emotional conditioning and limitations are primarily...
por KosjenkaM | 19.Feb. 2009 | Amor e Intimidad, Coaching, Bienestar emocional, Lo más popular
La mente subconsciente y el amor ¿Disfruta amando a su pareja? Aunque parezca paradójico, para muchas personas el amor es más una fuente de dolor que de felicidad. No hay ninguna otra relación adulta en la que la profundidad y la fuerza de nuestras necesidades, huellas y creencias de...
por KosjenkaM | 5.Nov. 2012 | Bienestar emocional, Coaching
“Official” medicine acknowledges more and more often that psychological processes influence certain diseases, as well as recovery from a disease. Stress is most often mentioned as the main cause of chronic psychosomatic symptoms. Yet, psychological...
por KosjenkaM | 17.Mar. 2014 | Bienestar emocional, Coaching
Emotional masochism Many people are bonded to suffering in some way. As children, they might have learned that they would be rewarded or comforted if they suffer, or they might have observed suffering people receiving special care and...