von KosjenkaM | 4.Sep.. 2013 | Emotionales Wohlbefinden, Persönliches Wachstum
How many times did you make such a decision: starting tomorrow, I will quit smoking, biting my nails, overeating, drinking coffee… or: I will start exercising, watch less television, be more organized… Typically, such decisions appear easy to...
von KosjenkaM | 24.Mai. 2015 | Integrität, Persönliches Wachstum
From time to time, I meet people who proudly proclaim that they don?t want to be around anyone who is not ?spiritual enough?. Recently that got me thinking: but what does it mean? For some people, it might mean following a certain religion, or any religion. For...
von KosjenkaM | 19.Juli. 2015 | Kommunikation, Persönliches Wachstum
Criticism can have different causes, but one often overlooked is fear. Is it difficult for you to set boundaries? Do you have trouble saying ?No?, or do you avoid conflicts? If you doubt your ability to defend yourself, you might expect people to know in advance where...
von KosjenkaM | 13.Okt.. 2015 | Coaching, Persönliches Wachstum
Even when we are well aware that our strong emotions might be awakened memories from childhood, we might still find it very difficult to focus inwards to resolve those emotions. The urge to blame people around us and seek to change or control them can be overpowering....
von KosjenkaM | 14.Aug.. 2016 | Liebe & Intimität, Persönliches Wachstum
Adult attachment theory includes patterns of emotional attraction (related article: “Patterns in Love Relationships”), as well as immature emotions or age regression (“Emotional Maturity”), joining them into a systematic overview of...
von KosjenkaM | 12.Jan.. 2017 | Persönliches Wachstum, Inspiration
This will be an elephant-sized post, but bear with me – I hope to give you plenty of useful ideas to keep your New Year resolutions by the end of it. At the start of every year, millions if not billions of people make lists of things they want to change so that...