von KosjenkaM | 17.Nov.. 2005 | Integrität, Kommunikation, Am beliebtesten
I have noticed, from time to time, books and workshops that are advertised with bombastic promises such as: ‘take control in all communication’, ‘get people to do things you want them to do’, ‘ develop magnetic attraction’ and so...
von KosjenkaM | 29.März. 2006 | Kommunikation, Am beliebtesten
The more we work on noticing details of our communications with others, the more we start to notice how much we usually miss. There are so many messages the person we talk to will send through very small nonverbal signals, the tone of their voice or their...
von KosjenkaM | 15.Nov.. 2006 | Integrität, Inspiration, Am beliebtesten
Children and mirroring Human beings are capable of wonderful, deep, sophisticated emotions, inspiring and passionate love and joy. However, it is often difficult to stay in touch with these emotions for extended periods of time. Small children experience reflections...
von KosjenkaM | 19.Feb.. 2009 | Liebe & Intimität, Coaching, Emotionales Wohlbefinden, Am beliebtesten
Unterbewusstsein und Liebe Genießen Sie die Liebe zu Ihrem Partner? Scheinbar paradoxerweise ist die Liebe für viele Menschen eher eine Quelle des Schmerzes als des Glücks. Es gibt keine andere erwachsene Beziehung, in der die Tiefe und Stärke unserer Bedürfnisse, Prägungen und Überzeugungen aus...
von KosjenkaM | 22.Jan.. 2017 | Liebe & Intimität, Am beliebtesten
Biology behind love and attraction A significant number of men encourage each other to believe that women want dominant men who will overpower them and show them their place. It is true that women are somewhat more biologically attracted to confident, even dominant...
von KosjenkaM | 13.Januar... 2020 | Coaching, Familie und Kinder, Am beliebtesten
While many people criticize their parents’ lack of love, some parents give their children seemingly too much love – but immature and needy rather than mature parental love. Integrative Systemic Coaching recognizes the pattern of emotional incest and its...