von KosjenkaM | 10.März. 2005 | Coaching, Familie und Kinder
In this article I will describe a process that seems to be present to some extent in many families. If you do not recognise yourself in it at all, you probably had very wise parents. In that case, this article can help you to better understand other people?s...
von KosjenkaM | 17.Mai. 2006 | Emotionales Wohlbefinden, Familie und Kinder
Although most people understand, or at least feel intuitively what is appropriate and what isn’t in family relationships, in most families there are still quite a lot of unhealthy patterns and a huge load of imposed guilt. Those patterns hinder many people from...
von KosjenkaM | 31.Jan. 2007 | Familie und Kinder
Do I have your attention? ? A society which oppresses women digs its own hole, since women are the ones who primarily raise its children. An unhappy woman with no self-esteem can’t teach her children to be happy and loving. Then the society as...
von KosjenkaM | 13.Okt.. 2007 | Familie und Kinder
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash Children who have not yet become familiar with the way money works (but also those who have) have endless requests and wishes. Just as they wish to see, touch and experience everything they see in their surroundings, objects...
von KosjenkaM | 2.Dez. 2009 | Familie und Kinder
Was fördert den Einfallsreichtum? In unserer Arbeit stellen wir oft fest, dass Menschen aus problematischen, chaotischen Familien oft schon sehr früh im Leben wichtige Lebensressourcen entwickeln: zum Beispiel Intelligenz (um verwirrende Situationen zu verstehen und einen Weg...
von KosjenkaM | 11.Dez.. 2009 | Familie und Kinder
In pre-history, bearing children was essential for humanity to survive. Nowadays, it appears that survival of humanity (and many other species) depends of how well can we keep our biological impulses in line. That includes urges for power, hoarding, social status,...