von KosjenkaM | 23.Juni. 2019 | Emotionales Wohlbefinden, Coaching, Neue Artikel
How helpers become helpers From social workers to medical nurses, nobody dedicates their career to helping people without a reason. OK, there are some charlatans who exploit people, like everywhere; there are some people who just hope for a safe job or status, but...
von KosjenkaM | 8.Juli. 2019 | Neue Artikel, Integrität
Ihre Integrität und Ihre Beziehung zu sich selbst sind die einzigen Dinge, die Sie wirklich besitzen können; der einzige feste Punkt im Universum, den Sie haben können. Wenn Sie diese kompromittieren, verlieren Sie das Vertrauen in sich selbst und es wird in Zukunft schwieriger sein, sich auf sich selbst zu verlassen. Das bedeutet...
von KosjenkaM | 30.Juli. 2019 | Neue Artikel, Familie und Kinder
What is intuition? For clarity, when I talk about intuition I don’t mean some esoteric sixth sense, or being carried away by random mental images or temporary emotions. My definition of intuition is a subtle feeling of knowledge which is the result of...
von KosjenkaM | 10.Aug. 2019 | Neue Artikel, Selbstwertgefühl
Have you done mistakes in your past you still regret and cannot forgive yourself? Did you harm other people or your own chances? Do you feel chronic low-level guilt without a good reason? Do you sometimes feel you don’t deserve to be happy? Many people sabotage...
von KosjenkaM | 15.Aug. 2019 | Neue Artikel, Gesellschaft
The good In its essence, the intention of political correctness is compassion and thoughtfulness. Both are very much needed in the world. Waving it off with excuses such as ?suck it up? or ?my grandfather succeeded in spite of adversity, so you should too?, is at best...