von KosjenkaM | 16.Jan.. 2017 | Gesellschaft
More and more lately, I have an impression that the results of parliamentary elections across the world partly reflect the percentage of population who admire power/money and individuals who have power/money. The desire for power and admiration for those who...
von KosjenkaM | 22.Jan.. 2017 | Liebe & Intimität, Am beliebtesten
Biology behind love and attraction A significant number of men encourage each other to believe that women want dominant men who will overpower them and show them their place. It is true that women are somewhat more biologically attracted to confident, even dominant...
von KosjenkaM | 1.Feb.. 2017 | Persönliches Wachstum, Inspiration, Empfohlene Artikel
Avoiding pain means avoiding experience Did you ever keep quiet out of fear rather than standing up for yourself? Do you avoid trying something new in front of others out of fear to look foolish? Do you even avoid expressing love to your family because you fear...
von KosjenkaM | 18.Feb.. 2017 | Emotionales Wohlbefinden, Inspiration, Neue Artikel
Menschliche Wärme ist eine zerbrechliche Sache. Selbst Kinder, die emotionale Wärme zeigen oder darum bitten, werden oft zurückgewiesen, ignoriert oder sogar lächerlich gemacht. Schule, Hochschule und Unternehmen sind oft brutale Umgebungen, in denen Menschen, die um Macht kämpfen, oft am lautesten sind und...
von KosjenkaM | 9.März. 2017 | Liebe & Intimität
All children (well, all healthy children) crave their parents’ attention. “Mom, look at me!”, “Dad, let’s play!” If such and other expressions of desire for connection are refused in a cold or even aggressive manner, or...