? KosjenkaM | 29.5 ?. 2016 | 爱与亲密关系, 诚信, 社会
大多数人在步入婚姻殿堂时,都满怀 "至死不渝 "的互爱互敬理想,以及幸福、聪明、合作的子女。然而,生活并非如此整洁有序,它常常会给我们带来挑战,仿佛在说:"真的吗?
? KosjenkaM | 16.1 ?. 2017 | 社会
? KosjenkaM | 7.6 ?. 2017 | 诚信, 社会
When you read about people in trouble, or victims of violence or political circumstances… do you mentally find reasons why such things wouldn’t happen to you? “I’d do differently in such a situation…”, “In her place,...
? KosjenkaM | 15.8 ?. 2019 | 新文章, 社会
善 从本质上讲,政治正确的本意是同情和体贴。这两者都是世界所急需的。用 "忍一忍吧 "或 "我的祖父在逆境中取得了成功,所以你也应该这样 "之类的借口来搪塞,充其量只是...
? KosjenkaM | 4.8 ?. 2024 | 家庭和儿童, 社会
By traditional gender roles, many people presume that the man works outside the home to earn money, while the woman takes on the roles of mother and housewife. (Throughout most of human history, this wasn’t actually the norm, as women also had to work to...
? KosjenkaM | 27.9 ?. 2024 | 交流, 爱与亲密关系, 社会