? KosjenkaM | 22.4 ?. 2020 | 爱与亲密关系, 交流, 新文章
Every relationship has its problems and it is not realistic to think we will always have an understanding, agreement and an idyllic relationship with a partner. A relatively common problem is when one person expects that they shouldn’t have to express their...
? KosjenkaM | 7.8 ?. 2020 | 情绪健康, 新文章
自卑感的迹象 觉得自己不够好是最基本的感觉之一,也是迄今为止大多数人从小就有的最常见的感觉。很多人都没有意识到自己内心有这种感觉,因为这种感觉会非常微妙地表现出来,而且...
? KosjenkaM | 5.3 ?. 2021 | 新文章, 教练
这是 "整合系统教练 "第二模块中 "目标漫步 "方法的演示。GoalWalk 是一种利用客户的想象力来激活潜意识资源并识别实现目标的无意识情感障碍的方法。这...
? KosjenkaM | 6.3 ?. 2021 | 新文章, 教练
? KosjenkaM | 19.7 ?. 2023 | 新文章, 教练
本文摘自整合系统教练培训模块 1 的记录。澄清是我们方法的第一步,相对简单,适合初学者,但仍然相当有效。安娜:在上一个练习中,我感到了一些阻力....。
? KosjenkaM | 18.9 ?. 2023 | 新文章, 个人成长
… even when you are not aware of it Some time back, I was working with a small business owner who employed 7-8 people. On the outside, she had everything she needed to succeed: she was driven, innovative, genuinely cared about her customers, and offered services...