? KosjenkaM | 1.5 ?. 2019 | 情绪健康, 灵感, 诚信, 新文章, 个人成长, 推荐文章
? KosjenkaM | 6.5 ?. 2019 | 情绪健康, 教练, 新文章
Some time ago, I was working with a woman in USA who has a private business in which she is very engaged, creative and responsible, and potentially very successful. Still, things were going downhill, primarily because of her relationships with her employees...
? KosjenkaM | 19.6 ?. 2019 | 爱与亲密关系, 新文章
The paradox of (in)security Deep closeness and understanding in a good lasting relationship is one of the best experiences in life. On the other side, the idea that we can “own” someone’s emotions, or that we can control life, is unrealistic and...
? KosjenkaM | 23.6 ?. 2019 | 情绪健康, 教练, 新文章
助人者如何成为助人者 从社会工作者到医疗护士,没有人会无缘无故地将自己的职业生涯奉献给助人事业。好吧,有些江湖骗子利用人们的利益,就像在任何地方一样;有些人只是希望获得一份安全的工作或地位,但是......
? KosjenkaM | 8.7 ?. 2019 | 新文章, 诚信
? KosjenkaM | 30.7 ?. 2019 | 新文章, 家庭和儿童
What is intuition? For clarity, when I talk about intuition I don’t mean some esoteric sixth sense, or being carried away by random mental images or temporary emotions. My definition of intuition is a subtle feeling of knowledge which is the result of...