??? KosjenkaM | 11.???. 2009 | Сім'я та діти
In pre-history, bearing children was essential for humanity to survive. Nowadays, it appears that survival of humanity (and many other species) depends of how well can we keep our biological impulses in line. That includes urges for power, hoarding, social status,...
??? KosjenkaM | 9.???. 2010 | Любов та інтимність, Нові статті
Як руйнуються стосунки Якось я прочитав статтю в паперовому журналі, в якій напівжартома стверджувалося, що "кожні любовні стосунки тривають 3 роки". Ідея полягала в тому, що близькість, пристрасть і захоплення в середньостатистичних стосунках тривають близько 3 років, після чого...
??? KosjenkaM | 10.???. 2010 | Комунікація, Зловживання
Manipulation by definition presumes covert attempt to control others, usually involving twisting facts and using words in ways that might be difficult to distinguish from honest communication. That’s why people are often confused whether they...
??? KosjenkaM | 6.???. 2010 | Любов та інтимність
The ecstasy we feel when our love is returned is greatly based on the feeling that we are fully accepted, approved of, and free to be who we are. This is what, as children, we needed most from our parents, but rarely received, whether due to parents’ lack of...
??? KosjenkaM | 15.???. 2012 | Доброчесність, Суспільство
While learning to recognize emotional patterns from childhood, emotional traditions of our family and their consequences, and how to heal and change them, it’s important not to ignore biological aspects of our everyday behaviour. Without awareness of what our...