??? KosjenkaM | 22.???. 2019 | Нові статті, Комунікація, Самооцінка
The instinct to belong Human beings have an instinctive need to be accepted by and feel connected to others. We are singularly unequipped to survive by ourselves, and working together as tribes was essential for our very survival as a species. Through most of human...
??? KosjenkaM | 23.???. 2019 | Любов та інтимність
Feelings from childhood Being left by someone is hard on both our ego and our inner child. Suddenly losing a source of human connection and attention?whether we appreciated it or took it for granted?often triggers childhood memories of loss and abandonment, sometimes...
??? KosjenkaM | 29.???. 2019 | Любов та інтимність
About half of my clients come to work with me because of problems in love relationships, which means l have heard endless variations of love stories and love games. Most of these variations include people being carried away by childish emotions, ignoring the warning...
??? KosjenkaM | 13.???. 2020 | Коучинг, Сім'я та діти, Найпопулярніші
While many people criticize their parents’ lack of love, some parents give their children seemingly too much love – but immature and needy rather than mature parental love. Integrative Systemic Coaching recognizes the pattern of emotional incest and its...
??? KosjenkaM | 21.???. 2020 | Емоційне благополуччя, Коучинг
Загалом про поняття вікової регресії Після стількох років написання та роботи з емоціями з дитинства, можливо, нарешті настав час пояснити термін, який я використовую практично в кожній другій статті. ? Взагалі, термін "вікова регресія" - це поняття, яке я використовую практично в кожній статті...