+385 98 9205 935 iscmentoring.eu@gmail.com

How To Stand Up For Yourself

Protecting one’s own personal boundaries and finding balance with other people, whether family or strangers, and often in subtle ways, are everyday parts of a human life. Testing and pushing on others’ boundaries is normal in a relationship of a child to a...
Are You Being Abused?

Are You Being Abused?

photo by: Daniele Levis Pelusi   What is “normal”? When I was in my first year at uni, we had a discussion about what is actually a behavioral disorder. Long story short, the professor’s conclusion was that a behavioral disorder is defined not...

Can Good People Be Abusers?

How and why can good people be abusers? In short: yes, it is sometimes possible for otherwise good people to be abusers in close relationships. I had (at least) one such in my family; I worked as a coach with several of them. Although I don’t specialize in abuse...

How to break Free from Trauma Bond

    Question: Close to a year ago, I got out of an abusive relationship. However, I still feel a deep connection with my ex. It’s difficult to stop thinking about them and wishing they could change. I read it’s called trauma bond. But why does it persist for...