utworzone przez KosjenkaM | 1.lut. 2017 | Rozwój osobisty, Inspiracja, Polecane artykuły
Avoiding pain means avoiding experience Did you ever keep quiet out of fear rather than standing up for yourself? Do you avoid trying something new in front of others out of fear to look foolish? Do you even avoid expressing love to your family because you fear...
utworzone przez KosjenkaM | 1.maj. 2019 | Dobre samopoczucie emocjonalne, Inspiracja, Integralność, Nowe artykuły, Rozwój osobisty, Polecane artykuły
Physical pain is a signal that something is wrong. Our automatic reaction is to reduce it as soon as possible. It makes sense that we react in the same way to emotional pain. Besides, we are conditioned by our communities and culture to avoid unpleasant emotions, hide...