+385 98 9205 935 iscmentoring.eu@gmail.com

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Jeśli z jakiegokolwiek powodu jesteś zainteresowany poznaniem tematu znęcania się, zdecydowanie polecam książkę "Dlaczego on to robi?" autorstwa Lundy'ego Bancrofta. Książka ta jest szczególnie przydatna w obalaniu niektórych powszechnych mitów na temat przyczyn znęcania się i przemocy...

Emocjonalne kazirodztwo

While many people criticize their parents’ lack of love, some parents give their children seemingly too much love – but immature and needy rather than mature parental love. Integrative Systemic Coaching recognizes the pattern of emotional incest and its...

What Is Age Regression?

Generally about the concept of age regression After all these years of writing about and working with emotions from childhood, it may finally be time to clarify some more the term I use in virtually every other article. ? Generally, the term “age...