+385 98 9205 935 iscmentoring.eu@gmail.com

Transkrypcja: GoalWalk

This is a demonstration of the ?GoalWalk? method from the 2nd module of Integrative Systemic Coaching. GoalWalk is an approach which uses a client?s imagination to activate subconscious resources and recognize unconscious emotional obstacles to achieving a goal. This...

Transkrypcja: Zaprzyjaźnić się z potworem

Introduction: this is a demonstration of symbolic, metaphorical work from Module 3 of Integrative Systemic Coaching. Monsters are common in symbolic images and it is important that we do not reject or destroy them, but integrate them. During integration, metaphorical...

Jak oprzeć się manipulacji

Why do we fall for manipulation It can be difficult to resist manipulation if we believe our strong emotions are realistic. Most people seem to believe that the more intense their emotion, the more realistic it is. But the reality is often quite the opposite (except...

Can Good People Be Abusers?

How and why can good people be abusers? In short: yes, it is sometimes possible for otherwise good people to be abusers in close relationships. I had (at least) one such in my family; I worked as a coach with several of them. Although I don’t specialize in abuse...