+385 98 9205 935 iscmentoring.eu@gmail.com

In Search of Acceptance

Did you ever feel fully seen and accepted – welcomed – just as you are, here and now? Perhaps you’d agree that it’s a feeling that rivals falling in love in some ways. Yet, not only few people in this world really have a chance to experience...

Wartości a cechy osobiste

Most people choose intimate partners, friends and sometimes business associates based on their personal traits, rather than their values. We notice, for example, that a certain person is intelligent, funny, friendly, confident and similar. However, all those traits do...

Praca ze sprawcami i ofiarami nadużyć

Jeśli z jakiegokolwiek powodu jesteś zainteresowany poznaniem tematu znęcania się, zdecydowanie polecam książkę "Dlaczego on to robi?" autorstwa Lundy'ego Bancrofta. Książka ta jest szczególnie przydatna w obalaniu niektórych powszechnych mitów na temat przyczyn znęcania się i przemocy...