+385 98 9205 935 iscmentoring.eu@gmail.com

Podstawowa szczelina w osobowości

In this article I will describe a process that seems to be present to some extent in many families. If you do not recognise yourself in it at all, you probably had very wise parents. In that case, this article can help you to better understand other people?s...

Wyznaczanie granic

  Ideals and traditions Many writers suggest ideal behaviors which people should strive to develop. Many people want to live up to spiritual ideals such as helping others, kindness, generosity and sharing. They often forget, however, that most people...

Jak być własnym autorytetem

  Jest to pierwszy artykuł, który napisałem na moją pierwszą stronę internetową w 2005 roku i nadal jest jednym z moich ulubionych. Jako nastolatek i dwudziestolatek spędziłem kilka lat na idealistycznym zgłębianiu metod i społeczności New Age. Poznałem kilku bardzo miłych, inteligentnych i odpowiedzialnych...

Cierpienie w miłości

Unconscious foundations of falling in love Perhaps you are familiar with the idea that we are often romantically attracted to people who remind us of our parents or circumstances from our childhood. Or perhaps this is a completely new idea and difficult to accept?...