??? コジェンカM | 1.5?. 2019 | エモーショナル・ウェルビーイング, インスピレーション, 誠実さ, 新しい記事, 個人の成長, おすすめ記事
??? コジェンカM | 6.5?. 2019 | エモーショナル・ウェルビーイング, コーチング, 新しい記事
Some time ago, I was working with a woman in USA who has a private business in which she is very engaged, creative and responsible, and potentially very successful. Still, things were going downhill, primarily because of her relationships with her employees...
??? コジェンカM | 19.6?. 2019 | 愛と親密さ, 新しい記事
The paradox of (in)security Deep closeness and understanding in a good lasting relationship is one of the best experiences in life. On the other side, the idea that we can “own” someone’s emotions, or that we can control life, is unrealistic and...
??? コジェンカM | 23.6?. 2019 | エモーショナル・ウェルビーイング, コーチング, 新しい記事
How helpers become helpers From social workers to medical nurses, nobody dedicates their career to helping people without a reason. OK, there are some charlatans who exploit people, like everywhere; there are some people who just hope for a safe job or status, but...
??? コジェンカM | 8.7?. 2019 | 新しい記事, 誠実さ
??? コジェンカM | 30.7?. 2019 | 新しい記事, 家族と子供たち
What is intuition? For clarity, when I talk about intuition I don’t mean some esoteric sixth sense, or being carried away by random mental images or temporary emotions. My definition of intuition is a subtle feeling of knowledge which is the result of...