??? コジェンカM | 10.5?. 2010 | コミュニケーション, 虐待
Manipulation by definition presumes covert attempt to control others, usually involving twisting facts and using words in ways that might be difficult to distinguish from honest communication. That’s why people are often confused whether they...
??? コジェンカM | 10.5?. 2014 | エモーショナル・ウェルビーイング, 虐待
?Intuition is always right in at least two important ways:1. It is always in response to something.2. It always has your best interest at heart.(…) Our interpretation of intuition is not always right.?Gavin de Becker, The Gift of Fear This time I want to...
??? コジェンカM | 2.6?. 2015 | 虐待, 社会
Working with some young clients lately got me thinking about myself in the same age, when I just arrived to a big city to study. More and more often these days, I see those memories as if looking at somebody else rather than identifying with my younger self and seeing...
??? コジェンカM | 8.7?. 2015 | 愛と親密さ, 虐待
A common pattern in unhealthy relationships is when (at least) one of the partners takes the other for granted, perhaps being aggressive, manipulative or dismissive ? but when the other partner decides to leave, the first suddenly starts acting like an...
??? コジェンカM | 23.2?. 2016 | 愛と親密さ, 虐待
Incompatibility is fairly common in relationships, which means there are plenty of potential red flags of incompatibility depending of one’s values and personal traits. However, sometimes you might not simply be incompatible with a love interest, but you might...
??? コジェンカM | 20.3?. 2018 | 新しい記事, 虐待, 誠実さ
空飛ぶ猿」とは? オズの魔法使い』の中で、翼を持つ猿の一団が邪悪な魔女に仕え、彼女の破壊的な命令を実行する。現実の世界では、この表現は...