??? コジェンカM | 22.4?. 2020 | 愛と親密さ, コミュニケーション, 新しい記事
Every relationship has its problems and it is not realistic to think we will always have an understanding, agreement and an idyllic relationship with a partner. A relatively common problem is when one person expects that they shouldn’t have to express their...
??? コジェンカM | 23.7?. 2020 | 家族と子供たち
Most of us want an ethical and happy society around us, so we want our children to be kind and constructive members of the society, too. On the other hand, it seems many parents expect their kids to develop morals spontaneously, without investing too much time into...
??? コジェンカM | 7.8?. 2020 | エモーショナル・ウェルビーイング, 新しい記事
Signs of an inferiority complex Feeling not good enough is one of the most fundamental, by far the most common feelings most people carry from their childhood. Many people are not aware they carry it within, because this feeling can manifest itself very subtly and is...
??? コジェンカM | 2.10?. 2020 | 家族と子供たち
In this bittersweet life, not only must we all face our own mortality, but sooner or later, we also experience the death of a family member or someone else we love. Whether the death is unexpected or anticipated, it is always a profound shock. Despite any logical...
??? コジェンカM | 2.10?. 2020 | 誠実さ