??? コジェンカM | 17.11?. 2005 | Integrity, コミュニケーション, 一番人気
I have noticed, from time to time, books and workshops that are advertised with bombastic promises such as: ‘take control in all communication’, ‘get people to do things you want them to do’, ‘ develop magnetic attraction’ and so...
??? コジェンカM | 17.12?. 2005 | エモーショナル・ウェルビーイング, Inspiration, Recommended Articles
Every method of personal development that requires clients’ cooperation and emotional involvement, assumes that the clients will have adequate awareness of their emotions for the work to be successful. It’s unusual to find books or workshops that include a...
??? コジェンカM | 22.1?. 2006 | エモーショナル・ウェルビーイング, Inspiration, Recommended Articles
At the root of much immature behavior is an urge to avoid unpleasant feelings. Practicing observing our feelings is the foundation of self-improvement – as well as being one of the most natural, simple and actually pleasant exercises of self-awareness....
??? コジェンカM | 2.2?. 2006 | エモーショナル・ウェルビーイング, 個人の成長, Recommended Articles
Not many people ever think of the term ’emotional maturity,’ and yet it’s just as important as intellectual or physical maturity. I once read that many people stop emotionally maturing at the end of adolescence, while other authors claim emotional...
??? コジェンカM | 15.2?. 2006 | 個人の成長
A quote attributed to Einstein says that we cannot resolve a problem at the same level of thinking we used when creating it. This is especially true regarding emotional problems and life situations. Often we find ourselves within a disappointing circle of...