+385 98 9205 935 iscmentoring.eu@gmail.com

Emotional Maturity Test (part 2)

  Points with comments   1. My country is hopeless. I wish to emigrate!YES: +2, NO: 0, MAYBE/SOMETIMES: +1Explanation: “Yes” indicates focusing on the negative, generalizing, black and white thinking, playing the victim – especially if you...

Parenthood, Control and Guilt

  The need to control Some of the tasks of responsible parents are to teach, direct, support and, in some situations, control their children. But if a person gets stuck in this role and applies this attitude to adults around them, they will create stress and...

Past and Prejudice

  Our brains live in the past Many people become grumpier and grumpier as they age. Perhaps you notice that you are more judgmental and critical than you used to be? Perhaps you feel that people were nicer and more polite when you were younger, that the sun shone...

Are You Too Sensitive?

  Emotional “hypersensitivity” is a relative category, just like various types of sensory sensitivities. Can somebody tell you that you are “overly sensitive” to chili, for example? People are differently sensitive to sounds, smells,...