?????? كوسجينكا م | 20.?????. 2013 | التواصل, الأسرة والأطفال
The need to control Some of the tasks of responsible parents are to teach, direct, support and, in some situations, control their children. But if a person gets stuck in this role and applies this attitude to adults around them, they will create stress and...
?????? كوسجينكا م | 16.?????. 2015 | التدريب, الأسرة والأطفال
While more than 90% of people?s emotional problems seem to originate in childhood (or are at least enhanced by early family), from time to time it?s an interesting experience to work with people who come from healthy, caring and quite mature families. (Some people who...
?????? كوسجينكا م | 30.?????. 2019 | مقالات جديدة, الأسرة والأطفال
What is intuition? For clarity, when I talk about intuition I don’t mean some esoteric sixth sense, or being carried away by random mental images or temporary emotions. My definition of intuition is a subtle feeling of knowledge which is the result of...
?????? كوسجينكا م | 13.?????. 2020 | التدريب, الأسرة والأطفال, الأكثر شهرة
While many people criticize their parents’ lack of love, some parents give their children seemingly too much love – but immature and needy rather than mature parental love. Integrative Systemic Coaching recognizes the pattern of emotional incest and its...
?????? كوسجينكا م | 23.?????. 2020 | الأسرة والأطفال
Most of us want an ethical and happy society around us, so we want our children to be kind and constructive members of the society, too. On the other hand, it seems many parents expect their kids to develop morals spontaneously, without investing too much time into...
?????? كوسجينكا م | 2.??????. 2020 | الأسرة والأطفال
In this bittersweet life, not only must we all face our own mortality, but sooner or later, we also experience the death of a family member or someone else we love. Whether the death is unexpected or anticipated, it is always a profound shock. Despite any logical...