?? KosjenkaM | 4.???. 2024 | Общение, Самооценка
photo credit: Camila Quintero Franco Question: My ex told me I was boring. It hurts, of course. I?m not sure what to think or do about it. I?m not even sure if I really want to change. But, of course, I would like people to find me interesting. I don?t like the...
?? KosjenkaM | 4.???. 2024 | Эмоциональное благополучие, Целостность, Самооценка
Question: Where is the middle ground between ?stop caring about what others think? & ?stop being so selfish?? photo by Leio McLaren Answer: Both caring about what other people think and selfishness are parts of our biological makeup, as well as our upbringing....
?? KosjenkaM | 4.???. 2024 | Эмоциональное благополучие, Самооценка
Question: I?m lonely and feel unattractive. I have difficulties connecting with people. How can I stop feeling that no one will ever love me? Answer: Did you feel loved as a child? Our expectations of the world are based on our experiences with our...
?? KosjenkaM | 29.???. 2024 | Любовь и близость, Самооценка
Question: I recently went through an unexpected breakup, and I?m finding it very hard to move on. I can?t stop thinking about my ex, and it feels like nothing makes sense without them. I know I need to heal, but I don?t even know where to start. How to...
?? KosjenkaM | 22.???. 2024 | Новые статьи, Эмоциональное благополучие, Личностный рост, Самооценка
Многие люди не являются эмоционально здоровыми и зрелыми. Поэтому многие, если не большинство, отношений заканчиваются неудачей (хотя есть и немало здоровых и счастливых отношений). Может потребоваться много времени, чтобы научиться навыкам партнерства и найти...
?? KosjenkaM | 24.???. 2024 | Злоупотребление, Общение, Новые статьи, Самооценка
My core topic is emotional maturity, so it’s expected that I’d always advise polite and de-escalating communication?and so I do. However, that kind of communication only works with fundamentally well-meaning people, which is not everybody. Some people love...