?? KosjenkaM | 3.???. 2018 | Новые статьи, Злоупотребление, Коучинг
Если по каким-то причинам вам интересно узнать о проблеме жестокого обращения, я настоятельно рекомендую книгу "Почему он так поступает?" Лэнди Бэнкрофт. Эта книга особенно полезна для развенчания некоторых распространенных мифов о причинах жестокого обращения и насилия...
?? KosjenkaM | 6.???. 2019 | Эмоциональное благополучие, Коучинг, Новые статьи
Some time ago, I was working with a woman in USA who has a private business in which she is very engaged, creative and responsible, and potentially very successful. Still, things were going downhill, primarily because of her relationships with her employees...
?? KosjenkaM | 23.???. 2019 | Эмоциональное благополучие, Коучинг, Новые статьи
How helpers become helpers From social workers to medical nurses, nobody dedicates their career to helping people without a reason. OK, there are some charlatans who exploit people, like everywhere; there are some people who just hope for a safe job or status, but...
?? KosjenkaM | 13.???. 2020 | Коучинг, Семья и дети, Самые популярные
While many people criticize their parents’ lack of love, some parents give their children seemingly too much love – but immature and needy rather than mature parental love. Integrative Systemic Coaching recognizes the pattern of emotional incest and its...
?? KosjenkaM | 21.???. 2020 | Эмоциональное благополучие, Коучинг
Generally about the concept of age regression After all these years of writing about and working with emotions from childhood, it may finally be time to clarify some more the term I use in virtually every other article. ? Generally, the term “age...
?? KosjenkaM | 1.???. 2021 | Эмоциональное благополучие, Коучинг
This article contains some excerpts from the workbook “Turn Your Fear Into Courage”. Fear is one of the first and the most common experiences of a baby. Our emotional patterns are stronger, more influential and more difficult to resolve if...