+385 98 9205 935 iscmentoring.eu@gmail.com

Therapy with ex soldiers and war veterans

  “I wasted my youth and my health fighting for imperial ambitions of greedy psychopaths, all the time believing I was protecting my beloved country.” (quote from an ex soldier) War trauma and working with war veterans is not one of my specialties....

Difficult Decisions

Many times, resolving childish emotions, internal conflicts, and toxic beliefs can make  difficult decisions much easier. You might recognize, for example, that your partner is not your child, and it?s not your responsibility to make them happy. Or you might resolve...

Internal Issues And External Solutions

Even when we are well aware that our strong emotions might be awakened memories from childhood, we might still find it very difficult to focus inwards to resolve those emotions. The urge to blame people around us and seek to change or control them can be overpowering....

Diet, Stress And Anxiety

A danger in any therapy practice is if a therapist only focuses on one aspect of the problem ? usually the one (s)he is specialized in. While most emotional issues have at least some psychological components that can be addressed through therapy, it?s important to...

Emotional Logic

A quote from a client I was working with recently: “I don’t value myself, so if a girl falls in love with me, I automatically respect her less.” Let that sink in for a moment. Practically a whole novel is contained in this one sentence (as well as...