by KosjenkaM | 17.?????. 2016 | Emotional wellbeing, Integrity, Recommended Articles
Recently I had an interesting philosophical discussion about what “mature behavior” and “mature emotions” actually are, and according to which (and whose) criteria are they defined. Some of the criteria I already wrote about in the...
by KosjenkaM | 28.?????. 2016 | Emotional wellbeing, Coaching, Recommended Articles
A quote from a client I was working with recently: “I don’t value myself, so if a girl falls in love with me, I automatically respect her less.” Let that sink in for a moment. Practically a whole novel is contained in this one sentence (as well as...
by KosjenkaM | 11.?????. 2016 | Love & Intimacy
Sometimes people ask me if it’s OK for them or their partner to stay in touch with an ex after starting a new relationship. If you have been reading my posts and articles for a while, you will know that I avoid categorical judgments about “right” and...
by KosjenkaM | 17.?????. 2016 | Society
It can be surprising sometimes when obviously intelligent people make mess in their own or other people?s lives with their lack of emotional awareness, lack of empathy or by surrendering to unhealthy emotions. It feels natural to expect intelligent people to also be...
by KosjenkaM | 23.?????. 2016 | Love & Intimacy, Abuse
Incompatibility is fairly common in relationships, which means there are plenty of potential red flags of incompatibility depending of one’s values and personal traits. However, sometimes you might not simply be incompatible with a love interest, but you might...