About me
Kosjenka Muk
Sometimes when I go to town, I observe people?s faces, trying to find the hidden potential in them, what they could be or could have been in different circumstances and with different role models. It?s always interesting and it?s always my wish to contribute at least a little to awakening that potential.
My name is Kosjenka (pronounced Kos ? yen ? ka). I?m a special education teacher and an Integrative Systemic Coaching trainer. I like recognizing ? and resolving ? emotional patterns: how people sabotage what they believe they want; how to build self-esteem and inner beauty, why some people keep falling in love with wrong types of characters? For me it?s a kind of detective work. Do you notice that you act or feel childish when angry, afraid or in love? Or do you notice other people acting childish from time to time? There are good explanations for all of that ? and they are usually not in present time, although many people are not.aware of that.
Out of various methods of helping people I explored, I chose Integrative Systemic Coaching as the most profound and efficient. I took Integrative Systemic Coaching training from year 2000 to 2003 and since then I use it in private coaching practice. I?m also the author of the book ?Emotional Maturity In Everyday Life? and related series of workbooks.
Since 2007., I teach internationally in English language, as a trainer of Integrative Systemic Coaching method. My teaching experience, besides Croatia, includes Great Britain (organizer: Leon Deith, Redhill), Slovakia (organizer: Samuel Grznar, Zvolen), Czech Republic (organizer: Jivan Leela, Prague), Poland (organizer: Joanna Madrzak, Wroclaw), Canada (organizer: Shannon Hand, Hamilton), and shorter workshops in Mexico, Austria, Slovenia, and USA (Hawaii).
If you are confused with your own ? or others? ? behavior and emotions sometimes, I hope to help you find some answers. Perhaps I can help you make friends with some monsters, too. I notice many people are a bit afraid of looking deeper into their own emotions. I assure you it?s extremely unlikely you?d find something truly horrific ? especially if you are already interested in self-improvement. It?s much more likely you?ll have an interesting and insightful ride, and recover some beautiful parts of yourself you might have forgotten.
Our founder: Martyn Carruthers (1950 – 2020)

Martyn Carruthers was born in Wales, UK. He also lived about 15 years in Canada, where he worked as a nuclear physicist. While teaching physics, he noticed that people with learning problems often had deep limiting beliefs about themselves and their abilities. That motivated him to study, research and apply accelerated learning methods, hypnotherapy, NLP and other approaches which focused on changing limiting beliefs and unpleasant emotions.
In the early 90?s, Martyn was invited to teach his ?changework? in Hawaii. He ended up studying native Hawaiian traditions, especially the Hawaiian approach to family therapy (ho?oponopono) and psychosomatic problems. He changed his focus from individual beliefs and habits to family systems and relationship patterns.
Combining his experience in accelerated learning, hypnosis, NLP and ancient Hawaiian healing, Martyn created Integrative Systemic Coaching, which he has taught in over 20 countries worldwide.
Martyn sadly passed away in Sep 2020. His students are proud to carry on his wonderful legacy.